Sell up n Bugger off 2


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15 Mar 2007
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Steer clear of Vanessas just off the plaza though, 6.50 euros for a piddly bottle of Carlsburg and probably the ugliest slappers on the planet.
12 Aug 2007
Currently La Coruna Spain
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No No, not Teneriffe.. Coruna, last time I went to Veronicas in tenriffe, I got covered in foam, got me pants ripped off, and..... errrrm., sod it, we are going back, ahhhh the memories, or mammaries.... but, I digress..


Danny Jo

Active member
13 Jun 2004
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`I'm sure I'll take you with pleasure!' the Queen said. `Twopence a week, and jam every other day.'

Alice couldn't help laughing, as she said, `I don't want you to hire ME -- and I don't care for jam.'

`It's very good jam,' said the Queen.

`Well, I don't want any TO-DAY, at any rate.'

`You couldn't have it if you DID want it,' the Queen said. `The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday -- but never jam to-day.'

`It MUST come sometimes to "jam do-day,"' Alice objected.

`No, it can't,' said the Queen. `It's jam every OTHER day: to-day isn't any OTHER day, you know.'

[/ QUOTE ]


29 Nov 2002
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This is a genuinely interesting question - but I'm not sure a poll will ever fit all the required answers. I'm at this stage - "Yes I want to bugger off and am working toward my set parameters to do that. My set parameters are 1) don't want to sell the house to afford to go 2) want a decent level of investment income to take with me (say £25k pa) 3) want to finish what I'm doing shoreside first. This all needs to fit in to the timetable which is three or four years from now." So I suppose I need a poll option which says "prescribed plan in motion to bugger off"



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5 May 2005
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Joe - couldn't help noticing you only registered 11 days ago and already have averaged nearly 13 posts per day, so the point being, why aren't you sailing or swimming or anything else slightly more interesting as part of your cruising life than spending so much time on here /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Hey, at least some of us get err, paid to surf and when I head off to the boat tomorrow, guess who won't be posting here /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Active member
24 Aug 2005
Here, yah fule
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Unfair comment in my opinion , as he hasn't responded he clearly doesn't spend as much time on here as you imply , and there are quite a few who have already made plans to move out but they have to be worked through . Personally I intend to be off this rock within the next twelve months , and am flying out in the next few weeks to look over some potentials while selling everything I own in this country as fast as possible . If you're going to do it and you intend to make it work , what's the point in going for half measures , you may as well cut all ties and go for it
12 Aug 2007
Currently La Coruna Spain
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Hi all, Sorry, didnt mean to wind any body up with the post, just a bit of fun really.
Yes, there should be a choice for ´will do it´, but that is often only start of the problem, ie, I INTEND TO, but... if I can sort out x y z etc. If you want to, and ARE doing it, then great. It may not suit all, most definitely.
As for spending time here, its great, I dont live a 9 to 5 life, no need to, I dont keep ´normal´social hours, no need to.
An example of my day yesterday (it isnt all sailing fishing and swimming /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif) and, you have to remember liveaboard means just that, its your life, you dont ´give up work´it IS your work, maybe less hours than you used to do, maybe more.
A typical day, for me, you WILL be different.
Up at sparrow fart, Haul the rib out to clean the bottom, check the outboard, fine, relaunch.
Refit the teak trim to the top of the pilot house, had to remove it to reseal some fittings and fit a new mainsheet winch.
Up into ´town´for daily bread, didnt need anything else.
Cleaned the fridge
Chilled in the cockpit for a couple of hours watching the world go by, now lunchtime
Have lunch with some Swedish friends, then babysit their 3 year old for an our, she brings toys for our cat..
Couple of cold ones
Get up, chill some more
Check Batteries (Water levels and terminals)
Working in cockpit lockers to route eberspacher pipes, winch wiring for leccy winches, remove old autopilot drive ready for new one, check calorifier pipes whilst down there.
Pick up Sky news for 20 mins to remind me why im here......
Make some calls to england,
Prepare the boat for some friends coming out for a jolly,

Normal sort of life really. In the chill periods check the emptynet, look at the forums, keep up with emails etc

Anyone who thinks its all swimming sunbathing and sailing will be very badly dissapointed im afraid.
But, we have no Polltax, no huge gas bills no huge leccy bills, no mortgage, no overdraft, no credit cards, no hp, no car to bother with (we have bikes ! - oh yes, repaired a puncture yesterday on Jaynes bike). and, we have a better climate than the uk, but again, horses for courses. Live aboard is not about sailing around the world in 2 years never seeing much, it can be, but not for us. it is simply about moving your life to a less complicated regime where you mostly call the shots, stress is less, go and live where you want, if you get fed up, move on.


30 Mar 2005
well, enjoy and we look forward to joining you - our departure is in 18 months time. Mortgage is paid off, house being prepared for sale next spring, apartment to be bought for base and somewhere for student daughter, boat bought and kit list to fit next year is ready. Just a matter of time without wishing time away.
Just a bit envious that you are already there. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
12 Aug 2007
Currently La Coruna Spain
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Hi Philip,yes, great stuff, Really glad to hear your doing "it". We have never, ever looked back.
18 months is a long time to wait, I know the feeling, we were nearly 10 years in the planning phase, 2 years virtually full time planning and sorting. The hardest things we found were, from memory.....

Making the decision in the first place - so the hardest part I respectfuly submit is over for you guys.

Selling the house, breaking away from everything we considered normal but deep down knew was not for us.

Worrying about old age, in the end, we said to hell with it, both my parents died before the age of 72, Jaynes mum at 55. You have to get old first to worry about it. Life tends to unravel as it goes, we knew we couldnt afford to plan for every contingency so the "what to do when...." was shelved and live for today. Worry about that if and when it becomes a problem, you become more able to fend for yourself as this life progresses, you make the decisions with little safety net.. so again, what will be will be. For those fortunate enough to have everything planned, respect.. we find the more chilled hombres are the ones who got rid of things, less to worry about.

Getting rid of possessions was at first difficult, many people today dont want second hand, they want new, part of the financial trap they get themselves into from an early age just as the chancellor wants, keeps a captive working, tax paying audience. In the end we sold some things, gave some away, and then got a skip and binned the rest, a charity shop locally was asked to take around 500 books free, all in excellent condition and many non fiction, they said it was a fire risk, ho hum, so they went in the skip, the sailing library we sold in Falmouth to the great little nautical book shop there.

What to do with sentimental items... we ended up with one small box which is stored in my friends loft. that was it.

UK Address, again a freind kindly allowed us to use his for mailing purposes etc, we have a financial agreement with them to cover time and postage, and of course, free sailing holidays for them whenever they want.

Our two beleoved cats.. had we known what we do now we would have taken them along, but we ended up finding good homes for them, in some ways it was worse than leaving friends and family. Strange the way the mind works.

We had enough income when working to more or less buy what we wanted within reason, we wondered how we would cope with a far more limited budget.. the end result is that we thoroughly enjoy doing just that. Most things in life are better imho if you have to work towards it to achieve as opposed to just going and buying it. That is how it is now, we really want for nothing but our wants are definitely different, oh the pleasure in getting hot water for the first time after a year lol.. or finding new ways n means to fix things and save money.

You WILL enjoy, I am sure.

You will also, I am also sure.. do it your way, thats the thing, people who conform to a sell up n sail do it this way (many of them about) book type life or similar can be very dissapointed, a bit like out of the frying pan into the fire, there is no right or wrong way, and the beauty is the choice is entirely yours.

Looking forward to meeting up "out there"

Joe n Jayne n Molly


New member
2 Oct 2006
Near Plymouth
Cor - that all seems very good advice. We are in the 'cat disposal' phase at the moment and are totally commited - can't afford financially to back out now but don't collect the boat till mid Sept and then live aboard from Mid Nov. Must say that we both have concerns - married 32 years but never spent 24 hours every day together. But our mantra is if we don't try this we will never forgive ourselves.


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18 Mar 2004
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This is a genuinely interesting question - but I'm not sure a poll will ever fit all the required answers. I'm at this stage - "Yes I want to bugger off and am working toward my set parameters to do that. My set parameters are 1) don't want to sell the house to afford to go 2) want a decent level of investment income to take with me (say £25k pa) 3) want to finish what I'm doing shoreside first. This all needs to fit in to the timetable which is three or four years from now." So I suppose I need a poll option which says "prescribed plan in motion to bugger off"


[/ QUOTE ]

I agree! "Plan in motion to bugger off" sounds like a great motto. Sod keeping the house though, could do without the grief of keeping ties in Blighty, particularly after two grim experiences with letting agencies over 15 years apart. For us, a huge part of the experience will be letting go of attachment to 'stuff', and we include the house in that. It was amazing how little we missed when we went backpacking round the world with only 16kg of kit each.....

And after 6 months spent pretty much 24-7 in each others company, we already know we will be comfortable spending so much time together.

We keep bringing our date forward so we're definitely committed to going but as you say, we want to be sure of a decent income with significant contingency so that getting away from all the stresses of this lifestyle doesn't get replaced with constant stresses worrying about cash flow to keep the boat afloat!


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5 Jul 2004
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A quote from my daughter, who is only 26 and should have absolutely no idea about the thought processes of getting old: "Life is like a bog roll, the closer you get to the end the faster it disappears". We are leaving Cyprus next April after 8 years here, and the only decision we have made is not to go down the Red Sea - we've had enough of summer heat.

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