Secondhand Market Collapse?

  • Thread starter Deleted User YDKXO
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Deleted User YDKXO

As some of you know, I've sold my AZ46 and am looking around for a replacement. I've spoken to a few brokers and the message I'm getting is that the market for used 45 - 50 footers is patchy and that there are too many boats chasing too few buyers. In fact, one broker strongly advised me to hold back on buying another boat for 1-2 months because in his view prices are about to 'collapse'
His scenario is based on a further interest rate rise after the election, tax rises around the corner, some parts of the economy not doing as well as Grabber Gordon would have us believe and red diesel dissapearing in a couple of years. He says new boat sales have also dived (not for all models, some are still selling well)in the last few months despite what the dealers say and the reduced attendance at Excel was evidence of this. Anyone for a Targa 52? Apparently, Fairline have reduced the list price!
Anyone got any views on this? Is he talking bollox?


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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rolls royce economy : trashed

he's right, imho. Capital sales of business equipment are down at least 10% on a year ago. Housing market transactions are down at least 35% possibly 50%. Labour haven't "worked" the economy at all - they've simply milked it. They won't be out this election, but they will at the next one and whereas thatcher tamed the unions, labour haven't really left anything tangible at all.

Praps rentaboat this year - much cheaper.


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Well we've been trying to sell a 3 year old barge in perfect condition with fab build quality, for 9 months and only met tyre kickers. Started a new granite business late last year, great sales in December. Zilch since. My other business sells to the biggest furniture manufacturers in the country, sales are less than half last year and this is the busiest period of the year.

So I'd say it's dead, zilch.


4 May 2004
London & Cape Town
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Can't say I disagree with you mike. I've been in discussions with a Manufacturer over a new vessel and it contrary to their sales hype thay are really struggling to sell anything. This is also echoed on the continent where there are some pretty exotic deals being dangled for bigger boats.

Will be interesting to see what happens in the next 6 months and perhaps finally that RED DIESEL factor that some have said has already been factored into prices is only now beginning to be considered real.

I'm happy to sit tight for just a little longer to see wat happens.


Active member
12 Dec 2002
North Ayrshire/ Glencoe
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Every industry is dead at the moment, we've just had our worst January Sales in history.
I think as TCM says hold off a while and rent meantime till see how things go.

Haydn whats yer other business, selling to the furniture trade? Cause its the furniture business we're in.... Foam, Spring/????


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7 Sep 2001
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I think its extrusions, plastic type thingies, not sure, but seem to remember thats what he does, amongst many other things!

Deleted User YDKXO

Re: rolls royce economy : trashed

My business is in construction equipment and we've just had our best 6 months ever but my feeling is also that business is going to slacken off soon so where is Brown's 3-4% growth going to come from? Like you, I think Labour's days are now numbered thankfully; its just a pity there's no credible opposition this time around even if they are scoring a few points at the moment
I see your point about the chartering option but I dont altogether agree with you. 4 weeks charter in high season would cost me more than the total running cost of my boat last year even including loss of interest on the capital
Of course I could be persuaded otherwise if the Leopard was available for charter at an attractive rate /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


New member
28 Nov 2004
Ely, Cambs UK
is this gonna be another clique?
furniture industry suppliers?
thats me also.
and this year has started c**p for me too.

as a slight aside does anyone know anybody who admits to voting for these thieving ba****ds who run the country at the moment?


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Plastic extrusions from the boom in fitted melomine furniture in the 80's. All thoughs horible stick on mouldings and things. Expected it stopping 10 years ago, thats why I moved into property.


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24 Feb 2005
Hamble - SoF
Probably agree with regards UK builders (new stuff) as they are over priced anyway, not their fault, labour costs, euro rate, fuel costs are against them. The Italian yards all seem very busy at the moment and the one I bought ours from are quoting 12-16 months delivery and absolutely no chance of any discount. We priced up an equivilant sized UK boat against an Italian one and the Uk one came out £45K more and the finish and equipment on the Italian boat was better. Funny how the Italian's build crap cars (quality) and yet some of their yards build really well screwed together yachts.

Secondhand stuff seems to be taking a hammering, partly because the new stuff has really taken a leap forward in design and more economical propulsion systems in the last few years, partly because the euro manufacturers have got a foot hold in the UK now more than ever (remember when seeing a new Italian power boat in a UK marina was a novelty) and also there has been such good times over the last few years that when a levelling off occurs it seems everything is going backwards. Agree though that there is a lot of nervousness around which leads to panic and people droping the heck out of their asking price for fear of being stuck. However, what goes round comes round and in my view I would'nt be trying to sell my boat now I would wait enjoy it for another couple of seasons and then consider the marlet again. Remember we have been here before and yet a 94 S/S 37 Tom is now fetcing 80% of its retail ten years ago.

We have a building company in the group and while new builds have slowed up the refurbishment side has rocketed in the last six months, seems people are holding back on new stuff and just upgrading and refurbing, fine by us as more often there is more profit in that side than new build.


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5 Mar 2002
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are you sure you are not trying to short the second hand market to encourage a crash in boat prices prior to you next purchase........ got to be very weary of people naked shorting in the second hand market /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif


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6 Apr 2005
Newton Abbot, Devon, UK
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I'm not in the furniture industry so hope I'm still welcome in this thread:)

What does anyone see happening to the price differential between petrol and diesel boats on the S/H market if the RED does go. There are a lot of boats for sale out there particularly the petrol ones that aren't selling so I think the posts are right. The secondhand market is in a bad way and IMHO is not likely to get better till there is more certainty about the diesel and economy in general.

any thoughts?


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27 Aug 2003
West Sussex
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I'm into the Office stuff.

These days we're known as "dealers", but do both Wholesale & Retail

BTW go for E39 M5. Why mess about? And it's got 4 doors /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Active member
27 Aug 2003
West Sussex
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Welcome to the forum.

From what I hear, not a lot is happening in both new & secondhand boat markets.

Re the Red Diesel, I personally don't think it will make any difference. People will just pay the price. Bit like in the oil crisis in 73? when petrol prices went stupid. People just paid it, and continue to do so.

Likewise, in the med they pay plenty for the marine diesel, and are boat prices any cheaper? I don't think so, but am prepared to be proved wrong.

Deleted User YDKXO

Re: rolls royce economy : trashed

£500 a week? Deal?