Any of you teccky bods know of some good search engines/sites for used boats?I've found 2 fairly good ones( + mtm-boats for sale .com) any others?
No boats for sale website worth it's salt would restrict itself to motor boats only. I am very fond of is also worth a look but somewhat tedious as they don't put stuff into classification. As regards search engines, by far and away the best one today is Google.
Beg to differ Byron, on the need to put +uk. If you use '' version, it does not give you JUST uk sites, you get lots of US ones as well. By putting +uk, on either version, it does find only those UK sites. I think the uk version probably has more UK page sponsors - hence the difference.
You would think so, but it doesn't seem to work like that. It does search for any reference with UK addresses, UK marinas etc etc in the text itself. So in actual fact dot com sites do get picked up.
Try it it really works. You can even target smaller areas, by putting in more '+' 's with a target name.
I will try it and thanks for the tip. I regularly use the search engine forum but this isn't the sort of item that would be raised we tend to be more interested in placement.
You can access all the boats on this site straight from the <Buying A Boat> button on the bottom nav or by dialling in