Hate to intrude but you might be interested in joining us raggies on a wee jaunt to Cherbourg. More <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.writeforweb.com/twister1>Let's Twist Again
I'm up for it, (you got space on your boat Zef?) Duncan probably will be too..... though who's boat he's going to run aground this year is another subject! <g>
Well maybe? You'll need a broom stick, some sheets, and string first though, and if these don't keep you moving at an average 4+knots, it's quite acceptable to turn the engines on. However, to replicate the raggie experience, it should be one engine only, at tickover - anything more than 5knts would detract from the experience. You should also cram at least 3 people into every cabin, and put all the beer on one side of the boat so it heels over quite a bit.