I have expected this would happen for a while now, and judging by comments from people selling their boats ( or trying to ) it seems to have come true...
Boats which will take the ground on a relatively cheap half-tide mooring are in demand; those which require deep water moorings or marinas are not.
For those who have tried it, half-tide moorings also have the huge advantages of usually being closer inshore for trips in the tender, among wildlife and a lot more sheltered than deep water moorings.
I am not trying to talk up my type of boat ( you'll only get my boat if you can prye away my cold dead hand ) and a lot of good boats are going to suffer, best not get me started on this 'government' - but with ever increasing cuts looming, it may be a good idea if currently selling a boat to grab any firm offers ?
Boats which will take the ground on a relatively cheap half-tide mooring are in demand; those which require deep water moorings or marinas are not.
For those who have tried it, half-tide moorings also have the huge advantages of usually being closer inshore for trips in the tender, among wildlife and a lot more sheltered than deep water moorings.
I am not trying to talk up my type of boat ( you'll only get my boat if you can prye away my cold dead hand ) and a lot of good boats are going to suffer, best not get me started on this 'government' - but with ever increasing cuts looming, it may be a good idea if currently selling a boat to grab any firm offers ?