sail and rig dimensions


Well-known member
6 Jan 2004
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hi i am trying to find a second hand spinnaker but not sure which size i need.
my rig dimensions are I- 25 foot 3 inches, and J - 8 foot 11 inches.
sowhat size foot and luff should i be looking for on a spinny, and also a cruising chute.
thanks in anticipation


Well-known member
6 Jan 2004
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thanks for the link.
but it does not really tell me any sizes without actuallly going thro the process of contacting crusader, and i would be wasting there time, as i intend to buy one of the many cheap spinnys of ebay, so i was hoping a sailmaker reading this could give me a ball part figure.
link appreciated all the same tho thanks


Well-known member
28 Jul 2003
West Australia
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Spinnacker size is all a question of your choice. A large spin is too big in a blow and a small spin is best (and also the easiest to learn on). However a small spin should be narrow not short. So the spin height should be about the length of the forestay. A spin that is not pulled up snug to the mast at the top will tend to gyrate around and if it is short then the pole will sit quite high and of course all heeling pressure will be high causing the boat to fall over on a reach. A spin that is too wide can often be accommodated but a narrow one is no problem and in fact will often set better on a reach and is great with plenty of wind. For racing therefor you need at least a large and a small. My little 21 ft TS has a fractional rig and in 20 knots of wind the small jib required means down wind it is quite poor performance. However a small spin quickly gets it going even though it is a similar area to the genoa. ( there is a psycological advantage too in that the opposition get really spooked when you show some colour in a blow and try to emulate but with big spin they invariably get into trouble.) regards olewill