? RYA Questionnaire On Boating In The EU 27 (esp the 90/180 rule).?


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24 May 2012
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Just stolen from a Facebook page.

Keep an eye out for the RYA questionnaire on boating in the EU 27 esp the 90/180 rule.

The RYA is due to launch an online survey next week to gauge the impact of the Schengen agreement on UK recreational boaters. The survey, The UK has left the EU: The impact of Schengen rules on UK boaters, comes as Government continues to negotiate the terms of the UK's future relationship with the EU.

Currently, the RYA understands that travel to the Schengen area will be visa free for UK citizens after the transition period ends on the 31 December 2020.

However it appears that improving access beyond that permitted under the EU wide Schengen 90/180-day rule is not part of the UK's negotiations with the EU. If this is the case, then this will have a significant impact on UK citizens' rights to travel in Europe after the end of transition, particularly those who wish to spend the summer, and possibly longer, in the EU27 on their boats as many do now. Under current arrangements, EU citizens will be able to visit the UK on a standard visitor visa for six months at a time

The survey aims to gather reliable and representative statistics to clarify the breadth of the issues involved. Participants of the survey will be asked to complete questions regarding topics such as the frequency of their boating trips abroad, the type of boat that they use and about their future travel plans for boating trips to the Schengen Area.

RYA Director of External Affairs, Howard Pridding, said: "The RYA continues to engage with Government about the need for further discussions surrounding access to the Schengen Area. We are aware that there is a considerable number of boaters who keep their vessels in an EU27 country and many more who spend extended periods cruising European waters.

With this survey we hope to gain a better understanding of the actual size of the potential issue and how many recreational boaters could be adversely affected.
"In order for us to be able to gain this insight it is essential that recreational boaters across the UK engage with the survey when it is released later this month."

The survey is expected to go live next week with the findings of the survey to be released in the autumn. Access to the survey will be found via the RYA website.

If you have any questions about the survey or require further information on Brexit, please visit the Current Affairs Hub on the RYA website. Alternatively, if you are a member of the RYA and require advice, please email cruising@rya.org.uk.

All news to me but I don’t get junk mail out here?

Anybody else seen anything on this?

Highlighted the 2 paragraph of interest but I think the RYA is jumping the gun as the 6 month visa free travel has yet to be agreed.

I have heard that the UK is offering all EU Citizens up to 6 month (per annum?) on the understanding that The EU reciprocates.

This could be allowed within the existing Schengen Rules 90 days in then 90 days out or 90 days in 180 so not significant to Brit expats and long term cruisers.
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Well-known member
14 Apr 2014
East Algarve
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No, not seen anything reported but it's not really unexpected. It's following the typical 3rd country Schengen approach. At least they are not expecting people to apply for a Schengen visa.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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No, not seen anything reported but it's not really unexpected. It's following the typical 3rd country Schengen approach. At least they are not expecting people to apply for a Schengen visa.

Wasn’t aware there was a Schengen Visa❓

I understood that all countries issue their own visas and as yet, the EU is not a country.


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24 May 2012
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Schengen Visa - Comprehensive information about Europe Visa

You do apply to the country you enter first but ultimately, it's a Schengen visa, unless you are planning to stay in any member country for more than 90 days.

Thanks - we live and learn.

As Brits with residency in any EU country will have a biometric (EU wide) residency permit, with details logged into the Schengen Database and alreadywill have freedom of movement throughout the EU, under the Schengen 90/180 rule, they should not need a Schengen Visa, which wouldn't provide any extra benefits.

With no control of internal boarders within Schengen, I can see and ocean going horlicks coming over the hill:oops:

I have amended the OP slightly, hopefully to make it clearer.
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24 May 2012
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I think most people will find a way to work with or around the 90/180 day rule, assuming that's what happens.

Listening loads of debates on this subject (including the briefs by the British Embassy), post the TP, I think the Schengen Rules will be enforced but not uniformly across the EU - nothing new there.

In your country of residence, I suspect, it will have minimal impact except when you enter from outside the Schengen Zone (in our case, by sea or Faro airport). How the 90/180 day rule will work within Schengen (with no internal borders) , I haven’t a clue nor, so far as I can tell have the Schengen Countries, who I suspect, haven’t even started to consider it.

Closer to home, provided another Covid lock-down doesn’t kick in, I suspect, travel between Andalusia and The Algarve (across the Guadiana Bridge) will not be monitored. Which is fortunate with a family house in Ayamonte but the boat in Lagos.

It will be interesting to see if the new EU wide biometric residence card with finger print and photo will be accepted as proof of identity and a travel document. Meaning it would no longer be necessary for Brits, when driving or out, to carry their passport or a suitable copy.
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Well-known member
14 Apr 2014
East Algarve
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Listening loads of debates on this subject (including the briefs by the British Embassy), post the TP, I think the Schengen Rules will be enforced but not uniformly across the EU - nothing new there.

In your country of residence, I suspect, it will have minimal impact except when you enter from outside the Schengen Zone (in our case, by sea or Faro airport). How the 90/180 day rule will work within Schengen (with no internal borders) , I haven’t a clue nor, so far as I can tell have the Schengen Countries, who I suspect, haven’t even started to consider it.

Closer to home, provided another Covid lock-down doesn’t kick in, I suspect, travel between Andalusia and The Algarve (across the Guadiana Bridge) will not be monitored. Which is fortunate with a family house in Ayamonte but the boat in Lagos.

It will be interesting to see if the new EU wide biometric residence card with finger print and photo will be accepted as proof of identity and a travel document. Meaning it would no longer be necessary for Brits, when driving or out, to carry their passport or a suitable copy.
Yes, it will be interesting to see what happens.

I guess the only real way to track progress through Schengen countries at the moment is if you register at a marina or Police station upon entering with your boat or via border control at airports, which if you are flying within the Schengen zone, there's no guarantee you will even go through Customs. I think they probably depend more on people obeying the law than actually enforcing it.


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26 Jun 2013
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I guess the only real way to track progress through Schengen countries at the moment is if you register at a marina or Police station upon entering with your boat or via border control at airports, which if you are flying within the Schengen zone, there's no guarantee you will even go through Customs. I think they probably depend more on people obeying the law than actually enforcing it.
What does everyone else do? Not like it's a new thing for US boats in the Med, nothing changes apart from one country joining all the others outside the EU...

Schengen Visas and VAT: Reports on Cruisers' Understanding | Noonsite


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15 Apr 2018
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Yes, it will be interesting to see what happens.

I guess the only real way to track progress through Schengen countries at the moment is if you register at a marina or Police station upon entering with your boat or via border control at airports, which if you are flying within the Schengen zone, there's no guarantee you will even go through Customs. I think they probably depend more on people obeying the law than actually enforcing it.

What are the consequences of overstaying in Schengen Area? - SchengenVisaInfo.com


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15 May 2005
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If you want to live in the eu , apply to live there .

I want to cross Biscay in June and then cross the Atlantic at the end of December. Standard Atlantic Circuit travel plan. Not possible with a 90/180 rule, and residency doesn't seem ideal since I would be travelling through, at a minimum, both Spain and Portugal. Suggestions?


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24 May 2012
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I want to cross Biscay in June and then cross the Atlantic at the end of December. Standard Atlantic Circuit travel plan. Not possible with a 90/180 rule, and residency doesn't seem ideal since I would be travelling through, at a minimum, both Spain and Portugal. Suggestions?

Get residency, then you will be able to spend unlimited time in your host country plus 90 days in 180 in any other EU country.


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15 Jun 2004
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Cross Biscay in June, work way down to Canaries then come back to UK for a calculated period (using 90 in 180 rule), returning to canaries in time to prepare for Atlantic departure. You'd need to do the sums though to suite your plans.
Or, as Nortada says. Get a residencia sorted in Spain before the end of the year. You'll need to go there to do that and meet their requirements.


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4 Jan 2015
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I want to cross Biscay in June and then cross the Atlantic at the end of December. Standard Atlantic Circuit travel plan. Not possible with a 90/180 rule, and residency doesn't seem ideal since I would be travelling through, at a minimum, both Spain and Portugal. Suggestions?

A Gibralter stop over could be put on the Itinery ? It was never part of the Schengen area, but i believe they were talking about joining it, i dont know how far that has got.


Well-known member
14 Apr 2014
East Algarve
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