is anyone in or retired from the royal navy know of any details of the modern day joining routine from sign up to passing out. i will be signing up on the 8th feb and want to know what to expect
Welcome sir. I dont think that theres many here with experience of the RN except bumping in to them on occasions. However we are very experienced at passing out. Infact I'm still recovering /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
If you mean 'boot' camp down at plymouth then you are in for a major life changing trip or is it Brittania Naval College you are going to? Either way, its a major life experience.
As has already been mentioned in passing, the joining up and passing out routine will depend on what function you have joined the RN to do -- and I dont mean just Officer/rating differences. The technical ratings have a very different life to those joining as sailors. Engineering oficers will have a very different life to warfare or supply types. The one common thread will be academic work, lack of sleep and lots of exercise. If you make the most of your time and the facitities available (including the yachts and dinghies, you will have a great time. The RN can be a life changing experience, and if it suits you, it ends up being a way of life rather than a career. Good luck
Been there often. My son and some friends of mine did their stints there and it was tough, fair and enjoyable. I did my own basic 5 months in Dover and was really cushy - p.e. every day, rowing / sailing every day, running every day, ironing every day, knots and splices every day, semaphore, road rules, comms., nav' every day. Football twice a week, swimming twice a week and fighting with locals and army camp booties as and when possible was prefixed as self awareness and unarmed combat training. Loved it all & looking back it helped me a great deal in my later life.
Don't do it there is a vacancy at Sandhurst,chap had to pull out with a dodgy knee.
Army has far more hulls in the water than the Andrew,and you don't have to sleep in a cupboard for half your career.(I believe you get an ensuite cupboard when you reach flag rank).
Ah, HMS Raleigh. Some fond (and not so fond) memories of that place. Had a great time there for a week as a Sea Cadet /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif but things got a bit more serious when I was doubling round the parade ground with a rifle held above my head during basic training /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif. Things got a bit better in part 2 (seamanship) but even then I have memories of running round in the rain wearing oilskins and carrying my mattress on my back for some outrageous misdemeanour such as talking after lights out!!
I think it's fair to say that with a "handle" "username" like yours you will be in for a serious hard time, and mucho, mucho, ridicule whether as a rating, technician or occifer!!! Delusions of grandeur?? seriously not a good idea.
Been there , done that , got the scars!!!
Surprising that you did not come up on a google search, most "titled" peeps do.
Yes your lordship I was at Raleigh finishing my training after leaving Ganges.
It’s a bit inaccessible and if you decide to go on the trot the ferry will slow you down.
Hopefully they have built on the parade ground since I was there, if not you could be in big trouble.
I done 12 years man and boy and I’ll never forget my time in HMS Raleigh.
Did basic and seamanship training at HMS Raleigh in 1979, great fun in a macarbe sort of way. There was some great pubs in the local area as I remember. Left the RN in 1988 having had a 9yr good time, best of luck.
Enjoy being shouted at and all of thet lovely cleaning!!!!!!!
I joined the RN in 76 and did basic training in Raleigh, (6 weeks I think). Then to Collingwood for about a year for Weapons Eng training. Collingwood was much more relaxed than Raleigh, but its after you leave training bases that the real fun begins. I did 15 years, and had a great time. Liver now suffering! Now wheres that bottle of rum
thanks for all the replys. i signed up as to plan as engineer articifer. my pre joining test is in two weeks time. to be honest im scared shitless. im not to strong at maths but good at physics.
once again thank you.
please check my newly opened forum "world war two"