Rough down south???


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30 Aug 2004
Med & Warm waters please
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Just reading about the yacht 'Level 4' which is missing with 3 crew and also noticed this on the MCA site:

"During Sunday evening into Monday morning, the Coastguard requested the launch of three RNLI all weather lifeboats to three different incidents involving sailing yachts in bad weather.

Selsey Lifeboat towed the 30 ft sailing yacht Bacchus with 2 crew on board. They had requested assistance south of the Isle of Wight after suffering intermittent loss of engine power and were unable to sail in the severe weather conditions.
Bembridge lifeboat towed the 36 ft sailing yacht Firebird with 4 crew on board into Portsmouth after she had requested assistance some 10 miles south of Dunnose, Isle of Wight. The vessel was unable to make headway in the severe weather and the crew were suffering severe sea sickness on passage from France.

The yacht Playing Around had sustained steering problems and called the Coastguard when they were 15 miles south of the Needles. Due to the gale force Northeasterly wind the yacht drifted into Portland Coastguards area of responsibility. Portland Coastguard requested the launch of the Weymouth lifeboat which subsequently towed Playing Around into Weymouth.

The weather conditions were well forecasted yet these yachts still chose to set sail. Anyone not heeding the weather forecasts is putting at risk their safety and the lives of the crew of the lifeboats who invariably have to go to their assistance. All vessels should check the weather conditions for the duration of their intended voyage and if there is any doubt at all, should not put to sea, always err on the side of safety and wait for more favorable conditions, even if it is somewhat inconvenient."

So seems like Steve's forecast and warnings were spot on....

Out here in the Med we have also had extreme weather over the last 24 hours with some of the most spectacular storms I have seen for years, so it seems that the weather is similar throughout Europe and the whole Med......


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14 Aug 2006
Lagos, Portugal
"Out here in the Med we have also had extreme weather over the last 24 hours with some of the most spectacular storms I have seen for years, so it seems that the weather is similar throughout Europe and the whole Med...... "

Hello from one Ancient Mariner to another /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

We seem to have escaped in Lagos. However we have heard of pretty unpleasant stuff just 30 miles or so east of us (Villamoura/Faro etc).

However, it has been unseasonally cold for the time of the year.


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30 May 2001
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Bit of a puff from the north indeed. I came back from Sanwick to Chi this morning close inshore with 3 reefs and rolled up solent jib and still had rail under. C40kts coming out Portsmouth and Langstone harbours. Forecast predicted this days in advance so can't understand why chaps still got caught out south of Iof W, heard coastguard confirming a guy reporting starting his passage back from Cherbourg when shipping forecast were giving gale 9 and possibly 10 in Portland iminant just down the coast.

Still not as bad as one trip back from Suez to Fos in Jan, F9/10 all the way snowing past Malta when I paid off in Fos.



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30 May 2001
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Very good. /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif Wish I was in Lagos, it was 8C in Chic so what the wind chill was I am not sure. /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif



Since I'm stuck up this hill again I never got near the boat. However, we thought we would go out for a nice walk.

Its May 28th and the walk was abandoned at the end of the lane after a HAIL storm. I had no idea how much they sting when you have no hat and no hair. ouch!

Roll on global warming!!


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10 Jul 2005
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Does seem (on the little info available with which to hand down an opinion from the heated 'puter room..)..that struggling to make headway 10 miles s of the White,where one is in fact starting to feel the benefit of the lee and, with e/w tides and a N wind able to heave to for a day or so and crab there an element of 'get me out of here' and 'got to be back at work Tuesday' I wonder. On the other hand a dangerously seasick and weak crew in a boat that may not be proving up to the job...common sense to notify the outside world I suppose..
We shall never know ! But I have crossed that bit of the channel many many times in all sorts of boats,I would be edging slowly up on lee of the White until the weather improves enough to lay a port safely without sail damage.
27 May 2002
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On the other hand a dangerously seasick and weak crew in a boat that may not be proving up to the job...common sense to notify the outside world I suppose..

[/ QUOTE ]
I think I met two lady crew off Firebird this afternoon while helping push their kit trolley up the gangway in the marina. They said the crossing from Cherbourg took 23 hours and they were "escorted" into port. My guess is they were not regular crew on the yacht.

The bank holiday weekend must create unusual deadlines where perhaps people charter yachts and want to make the most of their 3 day cruise. I had a great sail Saturday afternoon south of the IOW, sun and 16kts over the deck. Cherbourg was tempting.


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21 Jun 2006
Heybridge Basin
Thanks for that Kim,

From Tina, did Kerry get in touch?

Just one of our mile builder crew members after a place!!! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Safe trip Kim to you and all, look forward to your tale!

Al & Tina.


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30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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Sometimes - just sometimes - working a seven day shift rota pays off: indoors, in the warm, out of the wind and rain - and on double time! And an extra day off in lieu to be taken when I want (i.e when the sun is out again!)


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13 Feb 2005
Hamble-le-Rice, Hants
We went to East Cowes on Saturday, found it mostly empty. Spent Sunday in the rain fiddling on the boat and shopping in a deserted Cowes. Spent Sunday night with the boat lurching around in the marina, rain battering on the sprayhood.

Took the ferry home on Monday. There were white horses in the Medina and the waves were breaking over the outer pontoons in Shepards Wharf and Cowes Yacht haven.

We decided that banging away from Cowes to Hamble heading straight into 27 gusting 36 knots would be no fun. If the wind had been SW then we would have stood a chance.


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7 Aug 2002
Fleet, Hampshire
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We departed Lymington on Sunday morning at 10.00 2 reefs in the main and 2 in the head sail saw us make a quite confortable sail back to southampton, max gust was 37 knots max boat speed 7 knots. The sea state wasn't that bad either.

The problem with charters is that some will maximise the distance sailed on there holiday because they have paid the money. Also they do not want to loose there deposit.

I found it quite good fun if a little cold. At least there weren't many other vessels in the solent, it made a pleasant change.


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9 Sep 2001
Home West Sussex, Boat on Mooring in Gosport
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adl we did same as you but bluntly were over cautious and used just jib (as it seems did majority this weekend ) and also came out from lymington sunday am and went upto southampton- monday did same from southampton back to mooring in gosport - in truth were significanly undercanvassed throughout but worth it as wife still talking to me and sons girlfriend not seasick !

if it hadn't been for the rain and the extreme cold would have made a good sail!

ocean village seemed almost deserted but cinema busy and dry and warm!


Presumably you guys have seen the MCA's "apology" for not "double checking" the press release about those three boats getting towed in?

They admit that Playing Around wasn't drifting helplessly, didn't ask for assistance, and wasn't towed into anywhere.
They haven't yet got round to admitting that Firebird was "escorted" to Portsmouth, rather than towed.
But the really funny one is that the third boat was apparently taken in tow by Selsey lifeboat -- which according to the RNLI -- wasn't even launched that weekend!

But the damage is already done: the great british press have been fed another scare story about how dangerous "yachting" is, and how much taxpayers money gets spent, and some civil servant gets to issue patronizing and simplistic "advice".