Looking for a source of this, for an 18 ft clinker motor launch to go from bow to stern at G'whale level. I would like the real stuff (hemp?). The Dutch seem to use huge amounts but I have been unsuccessful on google.
Recommend Knights (or Bogey Knights as it is locally known) in Plymouth (Mutton cove) for this sort of thing. They're military surplus and have hefty rope from warships lying about.
please don't ask for a phone number though, and a website is completely out of the question!
I suspect that the fender rope which I have seen on photos of Dutch boats is specially made up for the purpose. I say this because it appears to have at least six strands, and probably seven, as opposed to the normal three for commercially - available rope. Hemp is a very coarse fibred rope, and of the natural fibres, Manilla may be more attractive. It is much smoother.
I have no hesitation in recommending Des Pawson; a master of his craft and very good company with it. His company is Footrope Knots in Ipswich and the details are:
I have absolutely no connection at all with Des or Footrope Knots other than being a very satisfied past customer and have shared a pint with him a few times.
Its important to get something that has a finite amount of stretch. In fitting it, fix it at the bow and transom, pulled hard tight, then stretch it down to the gunnel to fix, otherwise the rope'll just sag and hang in loops.
Oh yes, there's Woods surplus in Crediton, an alternative to Bogey Knights, if thats any help.