Return to Non-tidal


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21 Jun 2001
N Hampshire
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Weather permitting, we are bringing Amadeus-M back to her Sonning mooring over the week leading up to Easter.
Broom have done a super job on their various tasks and I am completely happy with my decision to send her there for the work to be done. Transported up and cruising back.
We have had mechanical, s/s work, carpentry, and electrical/ plumbing work done and the nightmare of trying to find someone on the Thames to take on these tasks in a business like manner, either individually or together has been avoided.
I am not suggesting that it would be worth doing for minor work but for meaty stuff, the lack of hassle alone has justified the cost of journeying the boat to and from.

We are also looking forward to the trip back.
Intend stopping at Lowestoft, Woodbridge and Burnham en route, before heading through London and on up the non-tidal river. Would have liked to stop at Tollesbury too but with both Woodbridge and Tollesbury on very restricted entry it is not viable in the timescale.
Charts between Gt Yarmouth and R Deben are a bit thin on the ground. Admiralty do Whitby to Burnham, but can't have much detail. Opted for an Imray chart covering N Norfolk to Burnham (?C28). Chartplotter should cover it anyway, but still like paper charts too.
If anyone has 1st hand knowledge of the journey down the R Yare and from Gt Yarmouth to R Deben via Lowestoft I would appreciate any advice.


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6 Nov 2001
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Glad to see it is all sorted and even the weather is starting to perk up a bit as well.
Was up there last autumn and there appeared to be a lot of stuff for sale.


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23 Nov 2006
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Hello Mike,

you may be just the man I am looking for.

In answer to your post the trip down from Brundall to Gt Yarmouth is quite straight forward.

There is a railway swing bridge at Reedham, you call the operator on 12 and he will tell you when the bridge will open, beware of quite strong tidal flows. You will need to pre book the 2 lifting bridges at Gt Yarmouth. They like to know at least 24 hours in advance call Yarmouth VTS on 12 or land line. There is an expanse of water entered as you come out of the first section of River, just after the Berney Arms Pub and windmill. Be sure to stay in the channel which is clearly marked with posts, stray out of the channel at your peril. Ther is no speed limit on Breydon water.
you will need a passage licence for the trip from Brundall to Yarmouth, spak to Brooms they will arrange one for you.

Once clear of the 2 lifting bridges, it is a straight forward run down to the Yare entrance. Clear of the pier heads you will be able to see a single wind turbine to the south which marks Lowestoft ness point. The harbour entrance is a bit further to the south, they work VHF channel 14. There are 3 good marinas inLowestoft, The RNSC on your port side as you approach the bridge, Hamilton Marina is to starboard and the haven marina is the other side of the lift bridge which has set opening times see the almanac.

From lowestoft to the Deben is an easy passage. Stick to the buoyed channel from Lowestoft to the the E Barnard buoy then there are no more hazards untill Just before Orford ness when you will come across a port hand mark. very shallow to the west of this buoy.

keep close inshore around Orford ness, You will see a N cardinalthen a phm then another cardinal mark to Port,these mark the whiting bank, then you will see a fairway buoy to starbd. this is the entrance to the Ore and Alde, carry on past that untill you come to the dDeban entrance buoy which is a red and white safe water mark. The entrance is narrow and tricky although marked with a couple of channel buoys. Your timing must be spot on as it is a fair way up to the Tide Mill Yacht Harbour.

Your best bet is to speak to the HM at Felixtowe Ferry.

Thats that bit. I have to deliver a Broom from Lowestoft to shepperton Marina very soon.

I have never been on the non tidal Thames, and would like to do the journey in 1 hit.How long will it take to get from say, Towerbridge to Teddington and there onto Shepperton.

Can it be done in one hit?



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16 Mar 2009
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If you are heading from Brundall to Lowestoft why would you go via Great Yarmouth?

Why not just head for Oulton Broad, transit Mutford Lock and go to Lowestoft that way?


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23 Nov 2006
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If you are heading from Brundall to Lowestoft why would you go via Great Yarmouth?

Why not just head for Oulton Broad, transit Mutford Lock and go to Lowestoft that way?

As far as I know, there are restrictions on opening Somerleyton swing bridge which will cause delays.



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30 May 2001
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I have never been on the non tidal Thames, and would like to do the journey in 1 hit.How long will it take to get from say, Towerbridge to Teddington and there onto Shepperton.

Can it be done in one hit?


We have just done Ramsgate to Chertsey in one reasonably long day. We had good tide under us the whole way, apart from the non tidal bit obviosuly :). Tower Bridge to Tedders took us exactly 2 hours and 9 mins. Holehaven in the estuary to Tower Bridge took 1hr 45mins but we were doing up to 22 knots where appropriate. I didn't keep a track of time once on the non tidal but after arriving at Teddington at half one, we moored up at Chertsey around 5:30 but that did include stopping for a cuppa in the sunshine :D

Richard Shead

Slipped Anchor
14 Aug 2007
Time Inc.
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Thats Nothing....

We have just done Ramsgate to Chertsey in one reasonably long day. We had good tide under us the whole way, apart from the non tidal bit obviosuly :). Tower Bridge to Tedders took us exactly 2 hours and 9 mins. Holehaven in the estuary to Tower Bridge took 1hr 45mins but we were doing up to 22 knots where appropriate. I didn't keep a track of time once on the non tidal but after arriving at Teddington at half one, we moored up at Chertsey around 5:30 but that did include stopping for a cuppa in the sunshine :D

I did Yarmouth (IOW) to Penton in a day once ( long one)...and it was in a Birchwood...


4 Oct 2010
London UK
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Before heading off towards teddington check the pla website as there may well be an event or something which means river closure. also do plan your journey to arrive at richmond lock within +-2hrs of high tide. As otherwise you have to go through the lock and this can add up to your journey..

when are you coming?


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23 Sep 2002
The glorious South
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I did Yarmouth (IOW) to Penton in a day once ( long one)...and it was in a Birchwood...
Some years back, we took our then Birchwood 33 Viceroy (flybridge) from the south of Holland to Dieppe in one hit. After 16 hours non-stop, you never want to hear a diesel engine again! Still, lucky it was a Birchwood..............:D
(seriously, one of the most confidence-inspiring sea-going boats I have owned)


Active member
21 Jun 2001
N Hampshire
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Many thanks, Pennycar.
Some useful stuff. Done Deben and South before. It was just the R Yare and GY to Deben.
Want to stop at Lowestoft so we get the ideal ETA Deben entrance for the run up to TideMill. I Seem to remember approx' 1 hour?