Report On Annual Cornish Tour.


16 May 2001
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Catching up with the news below, could not help following Long John underpants thread on "What Do You Use A Boat For". A daft Question!! Anyway back to the plot.
Every year. Me and my mate Vernon go on a sort of mini cruise. He complains every time we get more than a few yards off land cos he cant see the scenery. So we visit every bloody rock in Cornwall or Devon. This year it was turn right out of Plymouth and head west. We were lucky cos the tides were round about lunch time onwards so we could look up every orifice. Set off with a hell of a wind blowing from the south west, but the sea was strangly calm. We ambled down to Looe and parked up in the harbour for an hour or two, watching all the little ferry boats, glass bottom boat and speed boat trips. A donkey and cart took my attention and thoughts of Dirty Harry. Then there was the accordian playing in the square. Lovely place is Looe, especialy when the tide is in. Then we anchored in the bay with roast beef butties. Wind still howling but we're protected by Looe Island so still very pleasant. Now my mate Vernon is not the most nautical sort of persons so little voices and mumblings from me about wind and would it not be nice to piss off out of here and get down to Fowey. Were met by. " Oh it's nice here, yer always in a rush, have another butty and beer". Ho well never mind. Vernon dont like rough sea. So off we eventualy go, heading for Fowey for the night. Gets past Looe Island, and then it hit us, right on the nose. We're up the fly bridge and it's far to rough to dare go down stairs. So course, the sea came over the top and we got piss wet through. Any way its only about 12 miles to Fowey and protected for the last few, so its no real sweat. At Fowey you get a pontoon which goes no where, in the middle of the river. Else a buoy. The HM brings you a newspaper in the morning and takes away the rubbish, a nice little touch. Then theres the water taxi to whisk you off to the King Of Persia pub. Or the fish and chip shop on the quay. Only a little place is Fowey but fifth biggest harbour in the country cos very deap water and they mine china clay near there. So always a ship coming and going. Big cruise ships come occasionally as well but there just a bloody nuisance cos fill up the landing pontoons with thier tenders and ban us lot from using them. Next day a visit to Charles town cos the tide was in so could go right in to the little harbour. Behind the lock they keep the big tall ships there for films. But all ships out. Bugger. Then off to Falmouth and council marina and Chain Locker pub. Did a daft trick of painting my self into a corner of the marina, so spent all night figgering out how to extracate my self out of it. Need not have worried. Tied a couple of extra fenders on the bow then did a beautifull double pirowett?? out of the marina. Young girl marina maid was most impressed, she said. I was just thankfull that the wind did not get a hold at the wrong time, whilst wizing round at full bore with just a few inches to spare. Wold have looked a right dick head. Then it's up to Mr Newmans Smugglers Inn. Or Talvern cottage. Uses different name dependant on time of month!! Tied up to his old trip boat now used as a sort of rickity pontoon. This time for a pastie and coffee. Interesting place is Mr Newmans. The Americans set off from there for the D Day landings and it's full of memerabilily?? Also you would not believe. They keep enormous ships up there in cold storage. Some of them very famous but I forget the names. Then cos the tide was still coming in we went wet dishcloth sailing further up the Fall to Truro. Theres nowt interesting there cos just arrive at Tescos roundabout. But the rivers nice and it's a bit of a chalenge. Then just for a change went to Falmouth proper marina. with a very nice club house. Next day discovered another little harbour on the way to Megavisy, but no water in so marked it down for another time. Tied up to the harbour wall in Megavisy. All the tripers come to admire the boat cos it's the only one there apart from the local fishy boats and things. I like to pretend I'm just passing by and listen to there daft conversations with knowlagable answers they pass to each other. Best fish and chip cafe with proper home sliced bread and butter, would you believe. A reight job. Then did my usual full bore blast out of harbour mouth, just to impress the tourists. Then felt a bit daft cos had to stop and go down stairs cos forgot which way I was going!! Zoomed across the bay and back to Plymouth in pouring rain. Had to switch the radar on cos all foggy. Then after an hour or too, realised that the windows had steamed up, so did not need radar!!
Back in Plymouth a day early to finaly get the fuel transfer pipe fitted. Not the easiest job cos nead loads of U bends round the exhaust pipe with no room for bung in end of pipe so stick finger over end till we can finaly get the tap on!! Then get night watchman to fill boat back up with juice for next trip. Only got 475 litres in so twenty five short of 500 litre price reduction. Bobbys got them all so frightened of there jobs that they cant add lib a bit and call it near enough, or get sacked. So had to go zoom round the harbour for a while then go back for the other twenty five litres, for the discount!! Theres method in the madness I suppose!! So now got posh transfer pipe with special extra, water and crap colecting pipe down to bilge.
Here endeth the report.

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16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Oh thanks for that enlightening and detailed report. It was most enjoyable!! ( Sulkily kicking bucket and SHMBO.)

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11 Dec 2001
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Excellent post H. Why's no-one else posted about it? See that it's been here almost all day and only Kim's bothered to reply. Perhaps they're all out boating. apart from Dom of course

So no fishing or sharks or whales this time then, or is the fishing only with the pop group?

Oh and you say "went wet dishcloth sailing further up the Fall to Truro". Whassat then ? Wet dishcloth sailing? You got a raggie boat on board Meet Your Farter or just knick one or what?

But great post H, I could understand every word. Has your mate Vernon been teaching you English while you've been away?


16 May 2001
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Heres me doing my best to up rate the posts here abouts and only Kim and Col care to respond. No fishing on this trip although we did get up to a few other interesting things more suitable for other forums!! Wet dish cloth sailing, I thought quite explanetary. Depth sounder doing a wobbler and stopping dead and backing off, if cocked it up a few times.
Met a floosey in a new Broom. Brixham to Falmouth, then a fortnight there with out moving. Leaving Falmouth for Brixham at 1pm. dont understand the logic of that!!
Poor buggers missed out on all the good bits.

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28 Nov 2002
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Tip top post Hadyn, deserves to be at the top, oh, bugg*r me, there it is at the top, we need posts more like this.

add you sarcastic remark about someone elses tag line here.....


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3 Dec 2001
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It hurts to say but the boy done good with this post, one of his best keep them coming.

Tells us more about the floozy, sounds interesting!

OOPS now you're back were you belong, on top.


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7 Sep 2001
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Howzit goin! Haydn, sounds like you had a great trip! I´m stoill here, swanning about the bollyolics, I´ll write a PM later, I understood the wet dish cloth thing, I´ve sailed up there myself! Didn´t you go to Pandoras for a pint? very well kept real ale! Bye for now, say hello to Tutts!


16 May 2001
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ReAnd Colin

Floozy a bit of an over statment. Sorry. Would you belive They sailed down to Cornwall then got a bloody trip boat up the river, then drove around in a car for a fortnight. There should be laws against that. Boat should be given to one of us lot, that might get more use out of it!!
Hia Colin, still not found the Boliholics?? Missed out on tide for Pandora unfortunatly. It dont come much better than tied up to their jetty come beer garden. It's all ready in the good food guide.
Just been round to the truck scrap yard for an extra tank but forgot the measurement of my cellar come boot thingy and all tanks either to small or might not fit. Course Tomo could if he wished, pop round and measure it if not to busy??

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Well-known member
30 May 2001
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Come on H, what else did you get up to? We all need to know, won't tell Tutts, honest!!!

How long were you away for. Presumably meet your farter went ok. Have they put the fuel barge back in Fowey yet. Tomo tells me that he's having his prospective cat surveyed today, sounds like he'll be gone soon.

Are you back down again soon, good job you didn't listen to the forecast last week otherwise you'd have stayed at home. And I was looking forward to a little trip only meet a farter owner didn't read response to his post!!!


16 May 2001
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Ah well. Wrote post then left. Weather was not half as bad as forcast, even got some sun?? Meekafarter running beautifully though still reving bolocks off with warn props. Down there Wednesday till Wednesday. Tutts is on hols from school a week after next though might go down to sisters for the first week. I only been back two days and bored solid. And the bloody suns come out!!
Meekafarte seems to be getting cleverer and cleverer. Auto pilot track button did'nt work upstaires for two years but thats mended itself sudenly. Then the speedo packed in last year. That mended itself last week!! Ah but the toilet had to have new pump and all new pipes. Must have been the result of the explosion!!!

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16 May 2001
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Ah well. Wrote post then left. Weather was not half as bad as forcast, even got some sun?? Meekafarter running beautifully though still reving bolocks off with warn props. Down there Wednesday till Wednesday. Tutts is on hols from school a week after next though might go down to sisters for the first week. I only been back two days and bored solid. And the bloody suns come out!!
Meekafarte seems to be getting cleverer and cleverer. Auto pilot track button did'nt work upstaires for two years but thats mended itself sudenly. Then the speedo packed in last year. That mended itself last week!! Ah but the toilet had to have new pump and all new pipes. Must have been the result of the explosion!!!

No fuel barge in Fowey now, but you can get diesel from the ship repair yard at tother side of river. 28P if I remember right. Last year some time.
Did not think of ringing you cos going tother way.
Other things we did far to bad to report on here. you will just have to keep guessing!!
Did drink quite alot of whiskey though.

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16 May 2001
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Re: ReAnd Colin

PM you be buggered. This way get witnesses. And a kangarroo court if you muck it up!!
Go get that floozy of yours and yet yer britches down to Plymouth. With a tape measure as well. Measure up the cellar. It's under yer feet at back of boat, with big door thing. Measure how far from floor to door. (Thats upwards.) Then measure usable width, beam or whatever. Get floozy to write down, whilst you hang upside down for a bit!!
Dont muck about cos looks like Long underpants and Tutts are going to get it together down Doms way. Err in a couple of weeks or so.!!
Oh and give my love to Erica as well.

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16 May 2001
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Re: Eh, come again, please explain HLB NM

....and half of them is cos yer yak too much and the other alf is cos yer cant stop hitting the continue button twice! - and for you underpants...I wish you'd concentrate when I tells yer future I'm gonner make yer repeat wat I tells yer so we all will know if yer remembers!....the survey was for NEXT WEEK!


16 May 2001
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Re: Eh, come again, please explain HLB NM

Is there some relivence to that picture of yours ToMo. First we had two dogs, then some thing that looked like the black hole of Calcutta. Now it looks like a blumin soap packet!!
Or am I missing some think??

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