Maybe bit off topic but I'm sure there will be some experience in here. I plan to move onboard some point this year & go cruising next year. Presently I have a house (London SE18) needing a fair bit of work to make really nice but not much to sell for decent price. Poss plan in my head is to get rid of all worldly possessions baring guitar, clothes and boat. Sell house and buy unfurnished flat purely to rent out. Looking on it looks like i could earn the same rent for 2 bed flat than i could for house and free up some cash at the same time. Question is - any hints/pitfalls and and web sites where I can find out more? Biggest problems I can see are who manages it while I away & finding suitable tennents. (Always had a soft spot for nurses but that's another story!)
Padz - Conachair
Padz - Conachair