Removing old soundproofing.

Shiver Metimbers

New member
16 Aug 2008
Newcastle upon Tyne
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I am replacing my engine bay soundproofing and having problems getting the old stuff off. Most of the top surface has come off leaving stubborn little pieces still attached where the scraper just rides over the top. Does anyone know of any solvent based spray which will dissolve the glue of the old soundproofing?


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10 Sep 2004
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Toluene will certainly remove all traces of glue, but it is nasty stuff and I certainly would not use it inside nor without a proper face mask (not a dust mask).

Acetone might clean it, it should at least melt the glue enough to remove any bits of foam but may not remove all the residue glue.

You may have some luck with a hot air gun too, personally I would not use any of these methods without first removing the engine 'box' from the boat.

p.s. I don't know if you can buy toluene as an ordinary member of the public.