New member
There's only one aspect of our sailing which is compulsory and licenced at present - communications. Legally, you cannot operate a VHF radio unless under the supervision of somebody holding a SRC or VHF licence.
Tune in to ch 16 in the Solent to hear for yourself the dreadful standard of communications. I cannot legally repeat some of the traffic I heard yesterday but it icluded messages passed direct on ch16, radio checks whilst a Pan-Pan was in progress, calls without identifying the calling station, a sailing vessel with engine problems describing who had serviced it (all on ch 16) which provoked a non-useful rebuke from an unidentified station. All in all a pretty low standard, although interspersed with proper procedures from many vessels.
On the other hand I have a sailing colleague who thinks all training and licencing is unnecessary. He operates a radio without any operator licence, and I asked him recently which station he would switch to if receiving a call from another vessel. He couldn't name a single one of the inter-ship channels.
I deduce from this that training is useful and licencing a complete waste of time and money.
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Tune in to ch 16 in the Solent to hear for yourself the dreadful standard of communications. I cannot legally repeat some of the traffic I heard yesterday but it icluded messages passed direct on ch16, radio checks whilst a Pan-Pan was in progress, calls without identifying the calling station, a sailing vessel with engine problems describing who had serviced it (all on ch 16) which provoked a non-useful rebuke from an unidentified station. All in all a pretty low standard, although interspersed with proper procedures from many vessels.
On the other hand I have a sailing colleague who thinks all training and licencing is unnecessary. He operates a radio without any operator licence, and I asked him recently which station he would switch to if receiving a call from another vessel. He couldn't name a single one of the inter-ship channels.
I deduce from this that training is useful and licencing a complete waste of time and money.
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