Well-known member
Following the interesting thread on Ensigns there are some unanswered questions raised by Eloise (Ex-Bambola). I now believe my assumption about him wearing a Red Ensign was wrong.
There is no doubt that a standard test in deciding whether a ship is British or not was always that one should look to her colours and the nationality of her master. In some cases however the nationality of the master will be different to the registration of the ship. We have ships registered to Libya, Lichtenstien, Luxembourg etc that are "owned" by "shell" companies registered there when the real owners may be Chinese, and the master Hindustani! It appears that when so registered these ships should wear the colours of the port of registration. (Flags of convenience?)
The merchant shipping act of 1995 however gives certain exceptions for vessels of less than 50 tons in that British registered vessels of less than this size dont need registration in UK waters and dont need to carry any ensigns at all so long as they don't go abroad.
I believe the majority of us that SSR register our boats of less than 50 tonnes do so because foreign countries require us to. This is a lesser registration than "full" registration however.
If I am a British subject and have an SSR registered boat but keep it in France I still fly the red Ensign I am sure but if I go to France and buy a French boat that is
under 50 tonnes is there a similar system to SSR that is not full registration? If so can I wear the Red Ensign if I buy it without changing the registration or do I have to cancel that registration and register under SSR before I can? Indeed if I buy it don't I have to change the registration anyway and don't you have to be a Frenchman to hold French registration as I believe the SSR is only available to British subjects? Or indeed can a Frenchman buy a yacht in England and register it under SSR and fly a red ensign? (I think not)
I now believe that the ensign goes with the vessels registration but I also believe registration expires with change of ownership so Eloise should re-register under SSR here in the UK in order to fly a red ensign. Am I correct?
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There is no doubt that a standard test in deciding whether a ship is British or not was always that one should look to her colours and the nationality of her master. In some cases however the nationality of the master will be different to the registration of the ship. We have ships registered to Libya, Lichtenstien, Luxembourg etc that are "owned" by "shell" companies registered there when the real owners may be Chinese, and the master Hindustani! It appears that when so registered these ships should wear the colours of the port of registration. (Flags of convenience?)
The merchant shipping act of 1995 however gives certain exceptions for vessels of less than 50 tons in that British registered vessels of less than this size dont need registration in UK waters and dont need to carry any ensigns at all so long as they don't go abroad.
I believe the majority of us that SSR register our boats of less than 50 tonnes do so because foreign countries require us to. This is a lesser registration than "full" registration however.
If I am a British subject and have an SSR registered boat but keep it in France I still fly the red Ensign I am sure but if I go to France and buy a French boat that is
under 50 tonnes is there a similar system to SSR that is not full registration? If so can I wear the Red Ensign if I buy it without changing the registration or do I have to cancel that registration and register under SSR before I can? Indeed if I buy it don't I have to change the registration anyway and don't you have to be a Frenchman to hold French registration as I believe the SSR is only available to British subjects? Or indeed can a Frenchman buy a yacht in England and register it under SSR and fly a red ensign? (I think not)
I now believe that the ensign goes with the vessels registration but I also believe registration expires with change of ownership so Eloise should re-register under SSR here in the UK in order to fly a red ensign. Am I correct?
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