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\"Red Diesel\"
Being a frequent reader of Yachting monthly, Yachting world and PBO I read the artickle about the English couple being "mugged" by the Dutch customs about having red diesel in their tanks. Having the same problem I searched the media (I'm one of those Dutch /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif folks) and found an official pronouncement from the Dutch customs department which was released in Zeilen online. I will put the link with it but the meaning is that Inhabitants of a country where red diesel is still legally sold only have to show their passports and that is enough. Keep receipt and you are in the clear /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Being a frequent reader of Yachting monthly, Yachting world and PBO I read the artickle about the English couple being "mugged" by the Dutch customs about having red diesel in their tanks. Having the same problem I searched the media (I'm one of those Dutch /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif folks) and found an official pronouncement from the Dutch customs department which was released in Zeilen online. I will put the link with it but the meaning is that Inhabitants of a country where red diesel is still legally sold only have to show their passports and that is enough. Keep receipt and you are in the clear /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif