New member
Just received a news sheet from my fuel supplier, apparently Farmers are being targetted by Customs because modern tractors are better engineered and capable of consistent high road speeds and are now covering greater mileages than they used to on highways,they are also worried about various categories of construction equipment doing the same thing. Poor old B Liar and Brown worried about missing a few bob to waste on some hare brained scheme I suppose. I digress, also in news sheet was maximum legal suphur content specs for fuels at UK refineries:----
Gas oil 2000 parts per million
ULSD(Derv) 50 ppm
Aviation kerosene (non domestic) 3000 ppm
At present then flying is most evironmentally unfriendly means transport of all !!
The figure for aviation kerosene is being reduced later this year to 2000 ppm
All the fuss with farmers and construction industry is about road use, so I propose boats should carry on with rebated red diesel and also to be fair petrol used in boats should also be rebated !! Im sure if we got Cherie Booth QC to argue our case in the human rights cause we could win, B Liar could hook lots more money into the family pot from wifes fees and we'd all be happy wouldnt we /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Gas oil 2000 parts per million
ULSD(Derv) 50 ppm
Aviation kerosene (non domestic) 3000 ppm
At present then flying is most evironmentally unfriendly means transport of all !!
The figure for aviation kerosene is being reduced later this year to 2000 ppm
All the fuss with farmers and construction industry is about road use, so I propose boats should carry on with rebated red diesel and also to be fair petrol used in boats should also be rebated !! Im sure if we got Cherie Booth QC to argue our case in the human rights cause we could win, B Liar could hook lots more money into the family pot from wifes fees and we'd all be happy wouldnt we /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif