Red Diesel Effect on European Berths


New member
14 Aug 2006
Lagos, Portugal
Talking to our local marina at Lagos the other day, it is apparent that they already have a huge number of UK reservations building up for the 2009 season.

The charming portuguese lady in the office couldnt understand why this was happening.

"why 'ave we all these 'reservashions' for 2009 from your 'ome country?" (Well thats what it sounded like to me).

I did explain to her about red diesel, but my portuguese is (very) limited and I dont think she understood.

I wondered if this is repeated across the Med and other parts of Europe? Can any other forum member update us please?

Incidentally - I did discover that the commercial diesel in Portugal is 50 cents a litre. (35p or thereabouts). But you can only buy that if you are a commercial boat. Or perhaps take tourists out for a trip...........

Now theres a thought? /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

Deleted User YDKXO

I think there's still a huge and growing demand for Med berths, not just from the UK but also other countries. For the first time last week in Majorca, I noticed a few Irish flagged boats and you hear plenty of eastern European accents in and around Med marinas now. This year, my marina in Palma has told me I must pay for my berth even when my boat is not there because they have a waiting list of people even for short term berths, so I guess this is an indication of the demand
Yes, I guess there will be a few boaters migrating to the Med because of the red diesel situation but it will still cost more overall to keep your boat in the Med than the UK even when red diesel goes and for a lot of people with school age kids and/or limited holiday time, it won't be viable anyway


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6 Aug 2001
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Yes, I'm with Deleted User. The issue is more 'Where do you want to cruise (or live)' ? rather than an economic one as these forums have borne out a number of times -- for some avoiding speaking 'foreign' languages has no price!

However, as regards the S of France, I can't say that there is a noticeable effect on marina prices over and above the 'normal' .. and it really is a supply and demand issue here as there are few new places created ... ever!