I'm hoping to get out on Sunday. Forecast says there's a good chance of reasonable weather. Anyone local know if the red boards are out around marlow to Henley?
Martin! You taking a hire boat out? what are you worried about red boards for? They only apply to Hire Boats and Scullers and Scullers ignore them most of the time anyway.
The river 'running' is no worse than a tide coming in and out and certainly never as severe as a a spring tide on the tidal Thames. If you are taking the boat down to Harleyford you only need worry about bridge heights, the river running will just get you there quicker.
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The posting of red boards indicates the state of the weir (how much tackle has been pulled) not the flow rate of the stream. Private boat owners will be given a card warning of strong stream conditions but this has no effect on insurance etc. and the continued passage is at the owners discresion. However both Marsh and Hambledon have strong angled weir streams and should only be navigated with care by experienced helmsmen when the river is in flood. If you're new to the game, drink in the marina and give the emergency services a day off.
Chris P. wrote " Private boat owners will be given a card warning of strong stream conditions but this has no effect on insurance etc. "
I write "hear hear" I'm glad someone else knows that the rumour that went around a while back is nonsense.
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