Our Countach speed boat is one of a kind in red as we have created a legacy of spilting the Lamborghini Countach to make the front into a speedboat
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Or maybe it's the price that is the joke? £70k for an 18ft unproven boat
Or maybe the likely speed? 140hp should give a startling top speed of, er, maybe 30knots
Or maybe the range? 21-30 galls (er, surely they know) should give about 50nm. Enough to get you from one fuel dock to the next
Not a boat that's going to be causing sleepness nights down at Sunseeker
Who is looking at the head??? /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
If you look the cork is still in the champagne bottle so what is in the glasses,judging by her pose,i,m wondering if she has had a hand in it or something else in it, or whether she is about to open the bottle,not a pretty thought