Recal Decca Radar RD 170


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2 Jul 2007
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No drawings, No manual. Radar operational, good image, problem is that displayed image rotates in sync with antenna. rotating in same direction as antenna clockwise. Can anyone tell me where I could find drawings on internet or have suggestions as to possible problem. I have enough knowledge about Radar to be a danger. Based in small port in Spain with no electronic repair facilities. I thank you


I have no idea about the RD170. I would suspect you have lost the direction pulse from the scanner. This is a pulse to say the scanner is pointing forwardish.

Depending on the model and age this pulse would be used by the electronics/computer to lock the rotation scan time to the actual scan speed of the motor.

I would check the wiring at the mast base and the plug. The pulse is usually a thin wire as it is carrying no power. It is therefore also one of the first to break! So discounting the video coax lead and the big power leads it is one of the other ones.

After that I would say the detector(switch) in the dome has broken. Take care it is a microwave generator.

In older models it could be that the motor is just going too slow for the electronics to lock to. Is it slow revolving?