Re: New to site. Need input feelings on bukh DV32ME


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31 Jan 2005
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Re: New to site. Need input feelings on bukh DV32ME

Hello all, I am Sailkrumpit and I just came across this site.
I own a Dutch built 30.5 steel sailboat. I am repowering and
dumped the v.penta md11c. If anyone has a bukh? How has
it performed pro's and con's I would be greatful. My boat
tips the scale at 6 tons. The penta was a 24hp and I always
felt it was under powered or the fact I could never keep it running.
The Bukh DV32ME is a turboed 24hp that peaks out at 32.
Thanks again.
Far winds and calm sea's to all.


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23 Aug 2003
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Re: New to site. Need input feelings on bukh DV32ME

Suggest you look at the Beta engine - this is gaining a good following in UK. It is based on the Kuboto engine, thus spares are readily available around the world. It also features a device to smooth the engine and reduce vibration, and a lot of kits to fit it to mounting points for diffferent engines.

Nanni also produce the same engine, but AFAIK without the smoothing kit.


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15 Apr 2004
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Re: New to site. Need input feelings on bukh DV32ME

Hi there and welcome to the "mad house"

Regarding your query, I was looking at re-engining my boat over the past winter but decided to stay with the original Bukh DV24 as all the problems were quickly sorted out. Problems were oil leak(s), sluggish starting, white "smoke" out the exhaust, rough ticking over and a trace of oil coming from the exhaust. - Had me going for a while and seriously looking at re engining - favourite was the new turbo 24 (32hp) as the foot print is identical so in my case it would have been one out and one in.

The only "complaint" I have with my Bukh24 is it is raw water cooled which I was never keen on, having said that the calorifier works well, after a descaling, and as it is raw water cooled there are fewer things to go wrong (only one water pump not two).

The DV24 is a well proven design (mine is 18years young) and is "ruggedly" built. The system of counter rotating weights within the engine reduce vibration to very low levels infact when comparing the 2 cylinder Bukh to my previous 3 cylinder marinised "tractor engine" (Beta Marine) I would say the Bukh wins on the vibration stakes hands down.

Cold starting the Bukh can be a pain (two or three attempts needed to start her) in the middle of winter as there are no glow plugs or preheaters. As I Have a pontoon berth with shore power this has not been a major issue as my batteries are always well charged up and I found if I switched the "ignition" on for a few minutes to run the calorifier circulation pump (pulling heat from the calorfier back to the block) I could warm the engine enough within a few minutes to allow her to start "first time".

As for the DV32 (turbo) version, I was very taken by it mainly because it was a 24 that had been fitted with a turbo but as I said I manged to cure all the problems with the original 24 the hardest of which was probably the oil leaks as the flywheel had to be removed - an easy job in reality.

If you have the "beer tokens" available I would go for the Bukh without any hesitation but remember they are true marine engines, they were designed as such, they are not marinised tractor engines (although I must admit I did like the 20hp Beta on my previous boat, a marinised tractor engine or not!)


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8 Feb 2002
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Re: New to site. Need input feelings on bukh DV32ME

I also have researched new engines and as others have said decided on the Beta or the Nanni - but decided in the end to rebuild the old engine at a fraction of the cost(hope it works - am nearly finished...) Another alternative is the Volvo Penta range - although VP gets slated a lot, spares are available worldwide, the small engines are based on a Perkins engine and and you shoul;d be able to get a good deal from your suppler.


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31 Jan 2005
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Re: New to site. Need input feelings on bukh DV32ME

Thank You all very very much. I respect your posts and they have
been most helpful. I have contacted a Bukh Distribor in Maryland and
engaged in scopeing out repower. This person seem to be on top of
his trade and will run my boat weight, current prop size and waterline.
He would be happy to sell me a bukh dv32me but the numbers may
prove that a 24 is a better match. A boat has a max. hull speed that
cannot be surpasted also the proper trans needs to be installed with engine to max. performance. Thank you all very much!!
PS anyone with a Volva Penta MD11c keep your eye on the O ring on the
dipstick. I allows a seal so oil pump can pump oil. 2 day motoring with her burnt the front main bearing. $2200.00 later for a 5cent o ring.
Thats boating. Arr!!!!!


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15 Apr 2004
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Re: New to site. Need input feelings on bukh DV32ME

I don't know about stateside but in teh U.K. the difference in price between a 24 and a 32 is around £1000 or $1800 and allowing for TB liar's cut I would think the stateside difference would be around $1000 or even less.

Do remember the footprint of the 32 is identical to the 24 so if a 24 fits so will a 32 the main difference being a few Lbs for the different exhaust manifold and turbo


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20 Mar 2004
Nr Plymouth
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Re: New to site. Need input feelings on bukh DV32ME

Yes, I fitted a manifold glow plug to my 20HP Bukh many years ago. Never have to use when suing the starter, but boy, does it help with the hand starting!! They are available from Bukh Diesel UK and the price includes the substantial relay.

Wasn't particularly cheap as I recall, but well worth it for those emergency occasions.