R. Thames free for all.


12 Aug 2001
Thames non tidal
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Interesting to read previous post about speeds and wash through the City. I came upstream through London Bridge at 1800 on Thursday and was amazed at the antics of the pleasure boats and water taxis. I know there was a tube strike at the time, and I guess trade was brisk, BUT the river was downright dangerous IMHO.
Doing my best to keep out of the way was very difficult and needed 3 pairs of eyes for safety. What are you supposed to do when you have just been overtaken at very high speed by S***m Clipper, on the wrong side (no sound signals), followed by the boat which has just overtaken on the port slowing right down, having just pulled in front of us, all because another boat had passed all of us, which then signalled to tell us he wanted to turn to starboard?
They were all racing for the same pier, situated close to a bridge, and naturally occupied. All good sport I'm sure, but an accident waiting to happen. All this in huge wash.
So, is there one rule for us and another for them?


It seems so as my post said to the previous thread,
on 9th July coming downstream we were passed at speed by the taxi Cats,

"The Med is calling me"


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21 Jun 2001
Boat's in Chatham, I'm in Essex
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Unfortunately this is a typical day in the Pool of London. The 'Clippers' water Taxis, Sight seeing disco type thingy's etc etc all seem to fly about without regard for the likes of us. I sometimes think they look on us as an inconvenience that should not be there. I was undertaken with about a foot to spare between my boat and one of the big red London Pride vessels driven by an omeba who took offence when I kept on the horn until everyone was looking and then gestured as to how I felt about him. I have seen so many near misses between these vessels and pleasure craft. It makes me feel they are doing it on purpose. It would be nice for one of them to come onto this forum and discuss the subject sometime.

Anyone else had any dealings or near scrapes with these people??


Well-known member
16 May 2001
Bucks & St Raphael SoF
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A suggestion - rather than asking them to come on the forum to discuss, just report the offending vessel to the PLA - that's what they're there for. You can also notify Woolwich radio on CH 14. That's what they'll do if they think your doing something wrong!

As much as I hated them when I was on the river, the Port of London is a working port and also the centre of one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world and a lot of these tourists like to see the city by water, hence all the 'pleasure steamers'. I know that the wash and the distance they pass can often be daunting, but these skippers are so used to it as they work there 8 hours a day, they probably don't realise how scared they can make someone feel in a small boat. You probably feel the way skullers feel when you pass them further up the river!

All IMHO of course!




Absolutely right. Tower Bridge is the worst bit in my opinion, with boats moving in all directions and not a signal to be heard. Some of the worst offenders are the police launches and harbour master's launches. Further down the cruise liners steaming up to the Pool can be a big problem as well. I've been through in small boats and biggish (100') boats and it is equally bad: there will be an accident shortly and then things will get even worse for all of us regulation-wise. Look at everything that has happened since the "Marchioness." I agree with the suggestion that offenders should be shopped to the PLA: take photo's / video as evidence if not too busy with evasive action.


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13 Mar 2002
ked into poverty by children
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Had an "exciting" moment last summer near Charing Cross Pier. One of the big red trippers, "Millenium City", passing with about 20 feet to spare, just after a bridge (Waterloo Bridge IIRC). No isophase light on the bridge beforehand and nary a toot or anything to acknowledge we were there.

Not a great deal of fun in a 20' Conquest with two small children aboard on what was otherwise a painless journey on the Tideway. Yes, we reported them to the relevant authority who "made a note of it".

Two beers please, my friend is paying.


New member
13 Mar 2002
ked into poverty by children
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Well, occasionally. The fellow is a brewer, runs the Oakleaf Brewing Company in Gosport and supplies very fine beers to watering holes around the Solent. Squirrel's Delight, Nuptu'Ale and Hole Hearted are there to look for, along with Blake's Gosport Bitter, Stoker's Stout and a very fine proper lager with the name of
wait for it


"I Can't Believe Its Not Bitter"

Watch out for the IPA, its very moreish and rather potent.

Now then, that bit of advertising must be worth a free one!

and its excellent.

Two beers please, my friend is paying.