Questions qurestions


Well-known member
28 Nov 2002
Niton Radio
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1) When is the cricket match on the brambles?

2) if you take part in a predicited log, what happens? how do you do it? will I win?


add you sarcastic remark about someone elses tag line here.....


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Questions

1. cricket must be lw springs. Spose you cd do it yourself. or footie.

2. predicted log is when they set an amount of time in which you complete a given course. In a sailboat it must be dead dead difficult, cos no real idea of speed (you aren't allowed to use navaids such as speed or gps).

However, predicted logs can set any old rules they like, perhaps allowing any use of anything. I did one once and won! Well, I won our class anyway, and second overall, as I cam within a bout 40seconds over four legs and 200 miles. But I had a gps. Mind you so did the others ...

I did another one once x-channel in a powerboat, needed to be done at 18 knots, no watches and no gps allowed on board. So, I hung about in Portsmouth harbour dead close to the clock tower, let everyone pootle across, and then blasted over at 30 knots, minimising tidal effects.

Partial cheating and gamesmanship is required. You may find yourself with an observer on board to check no watches. So, put a watch in the bog and go down now and agin, esp with the finishing line in view. You aren't allowed to speed up or slow doen, which would obv show that you are cheating: Going too slow is a disater, but too fast is not: drop all power or turn into wind, and walk around the foredeck shaking your head or pulling things. Then after waasting the extra minutes, head for the line, still at correct speed.

Other issue is that they'll define the line as between such and such buoy and 1/4 mile to west: the observer boat is at this point west. But their line of sight will move with as their boat moves with wind, so take the line closest to the fixed point. Also, with a remote antennae, put the remote antennae near the bow - otherwise the front of the boat will breach the line a whole boatlength (a second!) too soon and I will beat you.

Best cheat is to use a gps which shows "time to reach waypoint" TO THE SECOND which means you need a magellan, I think.


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31 Aug 2001
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Re: qurestions ?? !!

I'll try qurestion 1 ( I think)

Seem to remember it was in early June this year
will check tonite
