I have a 1982 Dufour 35. The propane locker it came with fits a 4lb bottle. Has anyone built a larger locker on a Dufour or similar boat? Information would be appreciated. thanks.
Related question; if the draining gas locker only fits one bottle, do you need to store an unconnected full spare in a draining locker, or can it be stored in a standard locker?
BTW, I though the blue bottles were butane, and the red, propane
Should have explained, I sail in Northern BC Canada. Sailing is still a simple uncomplicated business here. Propane is available all over the continent, one type fits all. Same idea as petrol stations.
Talking to the yard owner yesterday (about fitting a locker on my Centaur) he said that strictly speaking if you want to carry a spare bottle you should have a locker big enough for two.