Printing chartlets, pictures etc.


21 Dec 2004
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Many of us print out chartlets etc and laminate them for use on board and doubtless many use inkjet printers, well beware, printing charts used lots of ink and hence lots of waste ink which is pumped to a waste ink tank inside the printer. The catch is, one manufacter in particular in their wisdom (greed) build in a "protection" counter that counts the waste ink pumped to the waste tank and when the count reaches a certain level the printer stops working and advises you to take the printer to a service center for service (£20 ish).
Now the real coup de grace is the counter cannot be reset by pressing buttons, it needs a software reset to get the printer going again so even if you pop the cover and clean the felt pads of waste ink the printer still sends the service required message.
How quickly one comes to this point depends on level of usage and type of cartridge used ("compatible" cartridges runs up the counter around 4X faster than using genuine EOM cartridges or so I was told by the service center.

I was also informed by the service center that if the printer is under warranty they will reset the counter ONCE only as if it needs reset again within the year you are "using it too much".

All is not lost though as some kind person has produced software for resetting the Epson printers, stopping the counters, hot swapping cartridges etc etc. so you CAN use you printer for the purpose you bought it, PRINTING and do not need to have it "serviced" every xxx pages or so, (just clean the waste ink pads). see here.

I have downloaded and used the software on my printers without any problems so now I can print until my heart is content without being forced to pay the manufacturer every few months for the privilege.

I have no real experience with other manufacturers products except Xerox and Canon whose printers do not seem to suffer from the same problem (pre programmed lifespan).

A google on "printer resetting" will bring up many interesting web sites dealing with the problem and other related issues - well worth a read. If one sticks the name of a popular manufacturer in front of the "printer resetting" even more detailed information is available. (see the link above).


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24 Aug 2004
Aberdeenshire (quite far from the Solent)
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Which manufacturer(s), please? Is this only Epson? I've never heard anything like this, but we mainly deal with HP. On the other hand I'm planning to replace our printer at home, possibly with Canon, and stuff like this would be good to know before hand.


Tony S


21 Dec 2004
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I am lead to believe by the Epson service center that others are using the "intelli" chip type cartridges but I have no information on other manufacturers pre programming the internal chip with a limited life span. I suggest a search on "brother printer resetting" and "lexmark printer resetting" etc.

If you down load the software in the link contained in my original post and read the instructions many Eson printers are supported so their preprogramming is a waste of time as the user can now reset their own printer if it is on the extensive list of supported printers.


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18 Feb 2002
West Yorkshire, UK
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Personally I will only buy Canon because I am sick and tired of the endless probs and rip offs experienced with others. If you do buy Canon buy the best you can afford from the printers with individual ink tanks for all colours. Not only do they last but they cost pennies to re-fill yourself and are easy to do.

I have an old 6000 which is still going strong after 6 or 7 years of constant use and refilling tanks. I have had to replace the print heads once so far. Even this is not expensive. Compare with HP. A tri-colour tank might cost around £30 with heads as part of the tank, a compatible about £18. Each tank holds about 3ml of ink. A replacement colour print head for the Canon cost me £32 including three new cartridges which hold about 10ml. Official replacement Canon cartridges are about £8 on their own but you can refill them for about £1.50.

Both HP and Epson use chipped cartridges in some of their printers which is absolute piracy.

Get a Canon!

BTW not all maker's individual tanks are easy to fill. The Xerox ones are a pain.


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15 Apr 2004
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BTW not all maker's individual tanks are easy to fill. The Xerox ones are a pain.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not exactly correct. I use a Xerox which I refill the cartridges on and once you have cracked the cartridge top off and drilled the "top up holes it is plain sailing to refill without even removing the cartridge from the printer. Maybe other models of Xerox are harder to refill.


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18 Feb 2002
West Yorkshire, UK
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Cliff, I can't clain to have used all the Xerox machines so I am happy to bow to your experience with them. I don't think we disagree about the principle of low running cost with individual tanks, though. I would certainly never, by choice, use HP or Epson and only v. reluctantly Lexmark.


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13 Oct 2003
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Thanks for this info' however I threw my Epson Stylus Colour 800 in the bin when it stopped working as I was told it would cost more to repair than the cost of a new one. If the engineer who told me this was not aware of the blocking technics you say are on this printer (checked on the site you mentioned) then surely as it's also not stated in the manual that this can happen and there is no digital readout on this printer Epson to advise you of this fact and it's out of gaurantee then Epson are operating against consumer interest which is illegal? /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif