Prices Then


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31 Aug 2002
Stratford upon Avon & S.Devon
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The recent query about hand-held GPS's got me searching through my records to see if there had been any relatively recent group tests.
There don't appear to have been any but looking at earlier ones the thing that strikes one is the prices that used to be charged.

In 1993 the cheapest Hand Held was the Garmin 50 at £539

In 1991 the cheapest Fixed set was the Navstar XR4L at £1048

Both the above were the target/discount prices. What a huge change for the better there has been, in both specification and price.

It is also interesting to see the manufacturers names at such times.
HH's were sold by :- Garmin, Magellan, JRC, Micrologic, Motorola, Panasonic, Sony, MLR, Phillips, Silva and Trimble.
Fixed by :- Garmin, Magellan, Phillips, Navstar, Micrologic, Apelco, Brookes & Gatehouse, Eagle, MLR, Stowe, Lowrance, Raytheon and Shipmate.

Really must throw all this junk away ( she says )!!

Deleted User YDKXO

I remember buying a handheld Magellan GPS for about £900 in around 1991 as a back up to my Decca Navigator (anyone remember those?). Not only are they a lot cheaper now but they dont consume batteries at the same rate either