Pre-season start up exercises


11 Sep 2003
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Time to prepare for the new sailing season in the UK.. So here's your preseason refresher course -

To best prepare yourself try these quick exercises:

Sit on a bench with large metal fixtures cutting into your legs,stare straight up into the sun for 2 hours - for a more robust workout: invite 4 friends to come over and yell at you the whole time

Go out and get very drunk, sleep 4 hours, then stand on a rocking chair for 6 hours.

Go to bank and withdraw as much cash as you can - then set it on fire

Sit in front of a commercial fan and have someone throw large buckets of salt water on you

Cut limb off nearby tree, tie ropes to it, stand on rocking chair with
tree limb and ropes - hold them over your head for 3 5 minute intervals drop on your head - more robust version: have friends yell at you in 6 minute intervals

Pour cold water in your lap and give yourself a wedgie, now alternate between sitting and running around bent over

Tie ropes between 2 trees and sit on a hard barstool tipping yourself into the ropes and balance - push your body against them as hard as you can for 6 consecutive hours - don't stop for pain or bruising until the pins and needles in your feet make it impossible for you to walk.

Nail wooden blocks covered in rough grade sandpaper to your stairs make sure the sandpaper is wet, crawl up and down on your knees in shorts for several hours making sure to catch your fingers under the stair rods and smash your knees into the banisters

Make 12 sandwiches on white bread with bad meat and margarine cram them into a plastic bag, sprinkle with sea water- eat one a day for 12 consecutive days... make sure the last one is peanut butter and jam.

Tie rope to rear bumper of friend's car, hold on tightly, but allow rope to slip through fingers as car drives away - TIP: works best with nylon.

Upon completion of above sit down and drink 24 Mount Gay Rums and tell your non-sailing friends what a fantastic sport it is.


Active member
16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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jane, I know you will personally take the full workout everytime but can I suggest that everything prior to "drink........" in your last paragraph adds little to the experience? If fact the following day you will be hard pushed to remember whether you completed the whole workout or not anyway! /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Have a good season


11 Sep 2003
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You can be so cutting at times and thanks, yes I will have a good season sober or not.

Hope you do too, see you around



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4 Jan 2004
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Didn't see this exercise in your list.......?


Tony Cross


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18 Feb 2005
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Firstly, many thanks to Stephen at for pointing who wrote the pre-season training article. is free to access but I do rely on income from publishing my work elsewhere.

Janek you probably got sent it by a friend of a friend of a friend and did not realise you were in breach of copyright law, however ignorance is no defence and I will press for a full court marshall unless you can deliver a story to within seven days of such merriment that I will publish it.

p.s. no copying now!



Active member
16 Oct 2001
Porthmadog / Port Leucate
May I suggest an alternative..... /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Pop down to Master Trim in the midlands and purchase some reasonably priced soft furnishings - for the deck area and cabins. Oh - and fit some carpet treads for your knees, and decent carpets all round the cabin. And while you are about it, fix all those nasty porthole and hatch leaks - they ruin your new soft comfy furnishings.

Have a boat builder construct some decent gunwhales so as to deflect that nasty cold salty water stuff. Whilst you are there, you may want to ask them if they can clean and dry the hull and fit some moulded strakes to the bottom (two either side should do it).

Any ropes (that's literally any ropes) found top sides, should be neatly coiled and placed in an outside locker. No lockers? - Back to the boat-builders then!!

If you should find any wood at all on the deck / topsides / interior that isn't teak, flat planked and caulked - chuck it overboard.

Stainless steel & Aluminium - if its stainless steel and looks like a rope, please refer back to my paragraph on ropes. If its aluminium and protrudes above the deck for more than two feet, then take a saw to it and cut it down to deck level. When you have done this, please refer back to my paragraph on leaking hatches and soft furnishings. Worthy of note!... SS and Ali are worth something as scrap, so don't forget to weigh them in for cash at your nearest metal merchants. You will need this money (and more) later.

When it comes to eating decent food, you need to take tips from Gludy's post (over on mobo chat) on how to make decent bacon butties while underway in an F6.

Take the money you got from all that scrap stainless and ali, and pop down you your nearest VP or Mercruiser dealer. Purchase medium sized V6 with shaft drive and 4 blade prop, and do a direct replacement for that lump of diesel smelling iron that currently sits in your bilge between the two coffin bunks. You will amaze yourself... that old lump of cast rubbish weighs (within a few pounds) the same as the shiney new clean smelling version. Difference? Old lump struggles to produce 20HP. New motor produces 200+HP.

There are two things that I cannot help you with is the Mountgay rum. Its drunk in large quantities in our club - and we frequently run out /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif and ther other is the money. So you think yachting burns through the money eh??

Have a good season! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


Active member
16 Oct 2001
Porthmadog / Port Leucate
No, no, no - ya can't just turn up here with yer one-post, claiming rights to stuff that 4,000,000,000 people have open access to, in the vein hope that you can blagg a story out of someone for your private stuff.

If ya don't want others to nick it, dont stick it on the net. Or if you do, there are easy ways to lock text so as ya can't cut n paste.

I reckon that if I dropped one line from your (very excellent) text into Google, I would find it appears in a million-and-one website around the world by now.

You got some chasing to do /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


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7 Sep 2004
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I reckon that if I dropped one line from your (very excellent) text into Google, I would find it appears in a million-and-one website around the world by now.

What I discovered is the particular line I Googled didn't turn up on many other sites. That line did, however, turn up on other web sites a couple of years before it appeared on bangthecorner /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif.

Maybe there will be some chasing of bang_the_corner for infringing their copyright.



New member
18 Feb 2005
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Oh dear

I thought by the light hearted nature of my reply that you would not take me this seriously! I would only really get the hump if my work was used for commercial gain.

(I could say this forum is being used for commercial gain though)

But I am affraid you are very mistaken in believing that you can just copy stuff off any web site and post it, even if you do name the source. You are breaking the law, see my terms and conditions on the site.

I don't get on forums that much, if anybody wants to discuss anything with me on this or any other yachting related subject:




Whether the site is free to view or not is irrelevant.

Assuming for a moment that the web site in question actually hold the copyright in the text, then any copying without permission is a breach of their copyright.

Acknowledgment of where the text comes from does not stop it from being a breach of copyright. Of course, acknowledgment might make the copyright owner less unhappy about the breach of copyright /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif And it would indeed be a sad world if creators of jokes always insisted on a fee each time their jokes were published.

All information sources are "open" in the sense that it is easy to copy information. Photocopying a book or reproducing a CD is (almost) as easy as copying material on a website.


16 May 2001
New Zealand
Re: Ouch!

On the other hand it could be viral advertising - ie there is no doubt that the hits have increased on bang the corner as a result of Jane's posting. That will improve the corner's attractiveness to potential and actual advertisers, with revenue implications for coiler.

FWIW see here about viral advertising. Some funnies, but I'm only pasting the link, and there's no copyright on the url AFAIAK. BTW I have no commercial links to any of the sites or products (although I did once own a cat :)) Funnies

Adverts withdrawn by VW and Ford: -
and here

and finally here

I wonder if this will get pulled....