I recently bought a sealine 328. Although nearly 10 years old it is in really good condition. However, I have a little problem on how to use the anchor windlas correctly. It is controlled both at the windlas by an up and down button and a similar configuration at the helm. It works OK but I,m not sure how to use it. My previous boats have all been some what smaller with the anchor being thrown over board by hand, let to fall to the sea bed (which you can easilly feel by the slackness of the rope) and then additional rope let out to ensure a good hold. However, with a powered anchor windlas how do you know when it has reached the sea bed ( Oh, by the way it is all chain and no rope.) Addionally how do you know how much chain you have let out. I used to mark the rope at intervals when anchoring by hand, is there a way to know how much chain has been let out and how much more to let out. Yours confused - Paul.