Potential chaos in Portugal.


Well-known member
22 Aug 2008
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Those seeking residence should be prepared for some confusion. Residência used to be the province of the concelho (county) but recently the SEF became involved . Three SEF inspectors beat to death a handcuffed Ucranian immigrant in Lisbon airport. The president, who has just announced that he will stand for re-election, has severely criticised the Home Secretary for not dismissing the head of the SEF and suggested that the whole attitude of the SEF is wrong and that it needs re-organising. The sensible thing would be to return to the local authorities the function which they have traditionally had , in which case there should be no problems but when politicians get involved common sense is frequently missing. I don't want to be a wet blanket, just to help those trying to come in to understand.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Those seeking residence should be prepared for some confusion. Residência used to be the province of the concelho (county) but recently the SEF became involved . Three SEF inspectors beat to death a handcuffed Ucranian immigrant in Lisbon airport. The president, who has just announced that he will stand for re-election, has severely criticised the Home Secretary for not dismissing the head of the SEF and suggested that the whole attitude of the SEF is wrong and that it needs re-organising. The sensible thing would be to return to the local authorities the function which they have traditionally had , in which case there should be no problems but when politicians get involved common sense is frequently missing. I don't want to be a wet blanket, just to help those trying to come in to understand.

Have to say that getting residency from the camara in Lagos was very efficient and painless. Almost a pleasure to give the young lady who conducted the whole affair the €15 per person. She really made us feel we were joining the family.

At present, the Lagos Camara is still issuing residency. I had thought that that responsibility was to be handed to SEF, but now, who knows❓

Whilst this could be significant to third nation nationals seeking residency next year, I am uncertain if the camaras have the facilities to process biometric cards and the issue of 10 year permanent residency has always been the preserve of SEV.

I understand there is almost a 4 month backlog at SEF Portimao for the issue of biometric permits but, providing you have registered, your existing residency documentation will continue to be valid until your card is issued.

In practical terms, residency documentation has little impact on day-to-day living. But I anticipate it may become more significant when entering or leaving the Schengen Zone.

We live in interesting times.