Post deleted by danfoley


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23 Aug 2003
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Re: Simple Questions - M802 again

AFAIK, you will def need the pactor, but with the M802, you will be able to use a pactor III.
If the frequency width of the M802 is the same as the old AT-130 then it should work, but suspect there may be a special connector for the new atu to make use of some advanced feature, thus making a change to the new version worthwhile, but best to check with our fellow forumite from ICOM


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3 Dec 2001
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Re: Simple Questions - M802 again

You will need a SCS PTCPro or PTCIIex for pactor email with your M802. If you wish to use Pactor3 protocol you will also need the licence for that from SCS. You should be able to use "any" atu with the M802, e.g.SGC230. For SailMail or any other "provider" you will also require a subscription. SailMail software is, however, free and has the facility for extracting text & grib weather forecasts in a similar way to wl2k and you can also use the GetFax programme for decoding grib, rttty,wefax & navtex via the SCS modem. Needless to say you should also have the LRC to use the ssb.


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7 Sep 2004
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Re: Simple Questions - M802 again

As others have said you need a modem. If your email client program does not control the radio (ie you have set the frequency to operate on manually) then the 802 has a group of programmable channels dedicated for email use and that functionality is what you are referring to. However, in most (all?) sets these are not user programmable (a dealer has to clone them) but they do come preprogrammed for popular frequencies such as Sailmail.

The ATU-140 has the advantage that it can be switched out of circuit for receive (eg for listening to broadcast stations, etc), from memory the AT-130 does not have this functionality. You can use the AT-130 but you have to set that in the radio's set mode configuration (user can do) as the radio is supplied defaulted to using the 140's functionality.

If you use another ATU such as the SGC one, the feedback to the radio from the ATU annnouncing it is tuned is lost. You either have to manually tune by transmitting a carrier or have the tuner itself set to automatically tune each time you transmit (normal operation with the 140 would be you push "Tune" button on the radio, the ATU clatters away for a moment, and the radio announces "Tune" on its display, although you also have the choice of the AT-140 tuning automatically each time it goes to transmit).

Unless a very new model the SGC230 tuner mentioned is only rated to 100watts - the 802 can put out 150 watts continuous when batteries at 13.6v (the very new SGC230's are now rated at 200 w PEP which is probably ok for 150 w continous - so if go that way make sure you get a new uprated one).

The AT-140 is also only formally rated for 100 watts continous, but as it is sold by Icom for the 802 one assumes they are happy with that.

Using the AT-140 is certainly the best approach - the downside is that you cannot easily hang non Icom radios off it in the future. I would go for the 140 myself over the 130 because of the convenience of the straight through operation on receive. I would also go for it myself over the SGC ATU (and did) for the one button push on the radio tuning convenience.

A downside of the AT-140 is the control cable connectors (and the radio end of the control cable is the same) in that it has fiddly little connectors you have to make up (unless you buy at considerable cost the Icom cable) - Icom supply the connectors for both ends of the cable though. They are a pain to asemble and are not weatherproof so you have to do some chopping around at the ATU end if you intend mounting it outside the boat (which in my opinion should not be done in any event).



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1 Feb 2004
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Re: Simple Questions - M802 again

I have 802 on board and it is possible to program it manually. It takes a lot of time and nerves. I got a SW from my dealer which I use with my laptop and cable which connects to 9 pin serial interface on computer and to headset plug on IC 802. With this one can easily program 802.



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7 Sep 2004
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Re: Simple Questions - M802 again

Hi Slavkod.

Yes it is possible to clone the 802 oneself if you can buy the cloning software. However, in most parts of the world the Icom dealers will not sell the cloning software - I am told (but stand to be corrected) that is Icom Japan policy and the few countries in which the cloning software is sold (seems Slovania is one) do so contrary to Icom's wishes. I would be quite sure that it is not available in UK.

I had for a short while on trial one of the very first 802's produced and it is my recollection that the email channels on that were user programable from the radios keypad (in the same way as the 160 user channels are, for countries where they are enabled) but I cannot remember reliably if that was so. That early 802 also had other keypad accessable functionality which seems to have disappeared in the production runs.

4 Feb 2003
where does the modem go?

<font color="blue"> Is the model housed in a black box that has to be mounted somewhere or is it a 'board' that is installed in the M802?

Which is the best modem to buy and any recommendations as to where to buy it?


Brendan </font>


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7 Sep 2004
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Re: Simple Questions - M802 again

I'll go for a s/h Iridium phone and data kit

The best solution by far, in my view, if in any way serious about emails especially while SCS maintain a stranglehold on PacTor 2 & 3.

For those thinking of buying a modem another possibility may be on the horizon. The amateur community have started testing a new mode called SCAMP which has high throughput but can be handled by computer sound cards. I think it is envisaged that this will be taken up by WinLink (the amateur email service equivalent to Sailmail). It may be that given SCS's stranglehold that Sailmail may be inclined to adopt SCAMP too (just assumption on my part).



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7 Sep 2004
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Re: where does the modem go?

The modem is a seperate box and nothing to do with Icom. Essentially the only choice is the SCS ones and very expensive in my opinion (google on scs pactor will get to them I would think).



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3 Dec 2001
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Re: Only SCS, still the best...

Couldn't agree more that the ptc2, ptc2Pro, Ptc2ex are expensive bits of kit and probably more for the radio ham who is keen on digi modes. However, it is a very good piece of gear and developed by radio hams who have had to make a living from their development of the protocol and the modem - it didn't just appear overnight! There is as far as I know no other modem which can handle pactor2 and pactor3; there is no other that tracks and reduces to zero the difference in frequency between the hand-shaking stations; there is no other modem which automatically changes upload and download rates to cope with difficult propagation. If that isn't enough the AirMail/SailMail/GetFax/Propagation software is free as are the updates. There will be continuing developments and no doubt someone else will come along but not with p2/p3 unless SCS allow. Until then I'm more than happy to use it for all I can at the lowest power for contact - don't forget to try the "AP 1" parametet!


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3 Dec 2001
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Re: SGC230 - smart lock box

There is a small box that you can get for the SGC230 which allows you to see if the ATU has "set"; with this 2"x3" box you can also "force" a reset to re-tune and also lock the ATU set on a particular frequency. It is not essential but useful add-on. I read somewhere on the web that thw SGC230 produces better results than similar Icom atu(s) - a search around may unearth the info. I've found it excellent and it has quite a following amongst sailors and radio hams - have a look at It's easier to go for the Icom package but the SGC230 will work with any tcvr as long as you feed it 12V and at least 3W rf.


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7 Sep 2004
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Re: SGC230 - smart lock box

The SGC "Smartlock" accessory box also allows the SGC ATU to be bypassed for receive operation without having to turn the ATU off then on again. With the "Smartlock" added the SGC ATU has about the same functionality as the Icom AT-140.

I would not like to say which are the best ATU's out of Icom and SGC but certainly the Icom ones are by far the most convenient with an Icom marine radio as you just have to plug it in to install it. There is also a Taiwanese copy of the SGC tuners which is considerably cheaper than the "real" ones (the manufacturer's name escapes me).
