Portrush around Malin Head. Advice / experiences requested


Well-known member
19 May 2018
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We are planning our first trip around Malin Head, departing Portrush.

The Irish Cruising Club guide suggests arriving at Malin Head at Belfast +0235, but the tidal stream charts indicate overfalls at the head at that time together with less favourable tide once the head is rounded, making the trip onward to Lough Swilly (or Sheep Haven) less easy. In addition, a fair amount of adverse tide has to be taken to get to the head at that time.

Our alternative is to use the west flowing tide and wind turning S tomorrow (Friday 21st) to get to Culdaff Bay. This would then allow us to pick up the West flowing inshore counter current at Belfast -0200 (Saturday 22nd) and reach Malin head at High water Belfast when slack is shown at Malin Head.

Winds at Malin Head at HW Belfast on Saturday are predicted to be light E, which, unusually, seems to fit the passage plan.

We are relatively small, so our "planning speed" is 5knts.

I'd be very interested in comments or experiences.

Thanks, as ever, to the Brains Trust.


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20 Oct 2004
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The predicted East winds on Saturday of about 10 knots along with a west going tide will not make for unpleasant overfalls at Malin Head, but watch that low as your winds will be cyclonic and its centre location doesn't have to be much different from the forecast for the winds to be stronger and from a different direction.

Leenankeel Bay just inside Lough Swilly is a great anchorage and will be sheltered from the wind on Saturday night.
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Well-known member
19 May 2018
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The predicted East winds on Saturday of about 10 knots along with a west going tide will not make for unpleasant overfalls at Malin Head, but watch that low as your winds will be cyclonic and its centre location doesn't have to be much different from the forecast for the winds to be stronger and from a different direction.

Leenankeel Bay just inside Lough Swilly is a great anchorage and will be sheltered from the wind on Saturday night.
Thanks - great info. We are now sitting in Culdaff Bay watching the forecast!


Well-known member
19 May 2018
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Well, a fairly uneventful passage - as long as you like unrelenting rain. Lovely views of Malin Head. Made it to Downies in Sheep Haven which was very comfortable against the overnight N / NE winds - although, weirdly, shown in the guides as not suitable / sheltered from those directions.

Onwards to Aran today - and hoping the F7 will stay on the other side of Ireland - the little tackers are sailing their dinghies in the bay, so it can't be too bad!