Captain Haddock
Poliglow - The results so far, I\'m impressed!
Remember when I said I'd give Poliglow a whirl? well here are the results.
My Gelcoat was going a bit dull and there was some chalkyness, there was no way I was going to polish the hull or use any abrasive cleaners.
I knew the best option is a respray however, I can't afford the 3grand required so I thought I'd give Poliglow a try as this is supposed to offer a UV barrier and a nice shine.
I ordered the kit and something called TL Sea, this was reccomended as I had a serious amount of grime build up that no amount of scrubbing would help with.
The instructions warn to get the hull clean as when Poliglow goes on whatever is under there stays there!
I applied the TL Sea and Absolute looked very clean and I was impressed with this! I then set about applying the coats (4 in all) this was a very time consuming job and took around an hour per coat (Absolute is tad below 29ft).
Absolute is a 1985 Gib'Sea and after the work she looked as good as new. The chalkiness has vanished from the areas I applied Poliglow.
I was well impressed with the results the pictures don't really do her justice. I'm now going to see how the shine lasts through the season so I'll report back at lift out.
BTW Absolute is a 1985 Gib'Sea and after the work she's looking like new IMO.
Anyhoo, on with the pix...
Before Poliglow
After Poliglow
Before Poliglow
After Poliglow
Absolute being lifted in
I'm not affiliated with Poliglow nor am I one to rave about a product however, I'm impressed with this and I just thought others would be interested in my experience.
Remember when I said I'd give Poliglow a whirl? well here are the results.
My Gelcoat was going a bit dull and there was some chalkyness, there was no way I was going to polish the hull or use any abrasive cleaners.
I knew the best option is a respray however, I can't afford the 3grand required so I thought I'd give Poliglow a try as this is supposed to offer a UV barrier and a nice shine.
I ordered the kit and something called TL Sea, this was reccomended as I had a serious amount of grime build up that no amount of scrubbing would help with.
The instructions warn to get the hull clean as when Poliglow goes on whatever is under there stays there!
I applied the TL Sea and Absolute looked very clean and I was impressed with this! I then set about applying the coats (4 in all) this was a very time consuming job and took around an hour per coat (Absolute is tad below 29ft).
Absolute is a 1985 Gib'Sea and after the work she looked as good as new. The chalkiness has vanished from the areas I applied Poliglow.
I was well impressed with the results the pictures don't really do her justice. I'm now going to see how the shine lasts through the season so I'll report back at lift out.
BTW Absolute is a 1985 Gib'Sea and after the work she's looking like new IMO.
Anyhoo, on with the pix...
Before Poliglow
After Poliglow
Before Poliglow
After Poliglow
Absolute being lifted in
I'm not affiliated with Poliglow nor am I one to rave about a product however, I'm impressed with this and I just thought others would be interested in my experience.