plotter set-up query


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22 Jul 2002
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I have a Raymarine RL70c chartplotter and for some reason when i get to 1/4 mile range or smaller (1/8, 1/16) it says no chart data. The radar works fine with these ranges its just the plotter that doesn't.

The cartridge worked ok to all ranges to about 1/64 in a previous boat (same model of plotter) and I am told this is a setting on this plotter.

Any ideas?


Well-known member
16 May 2001
UK East Coast
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Depends where you are...

Your C-Map cartridge has cartography at different scales, depending on the level of detail involved. The largest scale (1/64nm) is only used for relatively complex charted areas (harbours, etc). If you're somewhere that isn't covered by 1/64nm cartography, selecting that range will result in a "No Chart Data" message if your Plotter Mode is set to "On". If your Plotter Mode is set to "Off", the system simply won't let you zoom in any more than the largest scale for the position you're in.

I'm puzzled that your radar works fine at 1/8 or 1/16nm chart scales, because it's supposed to have a minimum range setting of 1/8nm (ie the equivalent of a 1/4nm chart setting). This is certainly the minimum scale which will work with a radar/chart overlay. It's not possible that you're trying to zoom further in whilst in overlay mode, is it? If so, you will see "OVL" in the header bar (you mentioned having "OVD").


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: Depends where you are...

Yup pvb is right. There's nothing wrong with the machine. You just cannot zoom in beyond the scale dictated by the digital chart.

Try moving the cursor out to sea. The zoom in will be only a few key presses, then the screen will blank to just a lat long grid. But move cursor over a busy harbour and you can zoom in more steps because the cartography includes smaller scale charts of ports than of open sea. So, your zooming limit depends on where the cursor is located on the chart

Normally when you "over zoom" in this way you cure it by zooming out. but sometimes you can pick up a small scale chart if you zoom in a few further steps. Trial and error.