There's a thread on here titled, lifeboat 24-7. When I click on it every posting comes up, "Please use your back button, access denied". What's that all about then?
I've just removed it - combination of some bad blood brewing over an attempt to give some advice and the fact that it looked like an over-egged plug for a site that didn't have return links to as per Ts and Cs.
The site is awaiting banners from ships monhtly & YBW! It was also not a plug it was genuine (I pay alot of money for companys to promote the site, i dont spam other forums when i dont allow it on my own!), the feeling was not about help, help is always a good thing, but more about comments & the way it was dealt with.
NO MY SITE IS 100% NON-PROFIT, i will not say it again. I resent your remarks about riding on the back of the RNLI, I have served with the RNLI for some years now, having devoted my whole life to it! Which unless you have been involved with lifeboats is very hard to understand.
There is a statement on the web site given on the poster's profile which states that it is not part of the official RNLI web site.
What is it then?
[/ QUOTE ]
The site is a referance site to help support the RNLI & give more public awareness of the work thre RNLI provide.
NO MY SITE IS 100% NON-PROFIT, i will not say it again. I resent your remarks about riding on the back of the RNLI,
[/ QUOTE ] Good grief man, you've got a short fuse. I think that my comment is perfectly reasonable given that you said you pay a lot of money to promote the site. Why would anyone pay a lot of money to promote anything but a commercial site - unless they were a philanthropist? Which, perhaps, you are. You don't tell us anything about yourself on your profile although the name of the registrant of your site is in the public domain.
Im sorry if i came across as having a short fuse, i dont. I have just said it so many times now that im NON PROFIT.
I believe in the RNLI & it's goals. I will always support the RNLI in everyway i can. My love is in lifeboats, it always will be, it's a great feeling when you have been a part in saving a life, it stays with you for all your life, the more years you work with it the stronger it gets, to the point where you do things like the site.
I dont mind spending money on a good cause.