Please don't feed the troll


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10 Sep 2004
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Please don\'t feed the troll


I think this group has aquired a Playtime troll.... definition below.

Playtime Trolls
Playtime trolls are relatively easy to spot, but they may not be apparent to the naive user. There isn't a single set of characteristics that applies to playtime trolls, but you can look for some or all of the following signs:
a lack of buy-in to the list philosophy or values
generally low level of activity, with sudden spurts of interaction - or perhaps a new persona that has strong opinions on controversial subjects
a mixture of friendly posts with a confrontational style of interaction
the use of provocative language and sweeping generalisations about certain topics or categories of people
a lack of in-depth understanding of the topic
a lack of personal information
a lack of a genuinely unique perspective on the topic
a lack of humour
restarting topics that have already been done
use of language that encourages the dialogue to enter topics that are controversial and likely to upset some team members
the use of attention-seeking gimmick (e.g.: "I was once exploited by an XYZ")
they follow up their own articles if the group doesn't respond to their posts
inconsistencies in the style and nature of the post and any proclaimed information (e.g.: claiming to be a child but writing with an adult style; claiming to be adult, but writing with a childish grammatical construction).
also note that trolls often seem to use free email services (such as or have email addresses ending in .edu. However, trolls could be virtually anyone, and the email address is no guide as to whether the persona is a bona fide user or not.
To counteract playtime trolls, the best action is to ignore them. If you are convinced they are trolls, then you can advise the list manager. However, if other group members respond to the suspected troll's posts, then you may have to consider some of the responses outlined for tactical or strategic trolls.


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15 Nov 2004
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Re: Please don\'t feed the troll

I'm sorry, I don't believe you, it isn't a troll, can't be a troll and it doesn't matter what evidence you provide I will never change my mind. This is bcoz I know everything there is to know and have all the answers. I don't find your graphic in the least bit amusing and find your humour on this subject is unwelcome.

From my extensive experiences of trolls - about 40 years worth now - I instinctively know when it is one and when they don't go away I have various plans on how to scupper their atempts - I won't post details here, but if you want them please email me at


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1 May 2004
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Re: Please don\'t feed the troll

This is definitely not a troll. The handsome visage, the sartorial elegance, the precise handling of the finely machined tools - it's a marine engineer carrying out fine adjustment of engine room machinery! /forums/images/graemlins/crazy.gif (Ducks behind windlass/capstan/other impenetrable object /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


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15 Nov 2004
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Re: Please don\'t feed the troll

<font color="red">NOTICE to all Trollers: </font>

Please identify your troll posts with the subject matter <font color="blue"> TROLL: <Subject> </font>

then we know to ignore them.

Thankyou. /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif


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25 Jan 2004
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Re: Please don\'t feed the troll

Just checked out your profile. Certainly more wordy than might be expected from a dog, but with about the same "lack of personal information". Still, I suppose you can remember when your mooring fees were a mere 7/6d p.a.


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10 Sep 2004
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Re: Please don\'t feed the troll

Name & Shame Woof, or giveusacloo.............

[/ QUOTE ] do you meen Glu,,,,,,,,

[/ QUOTE ]

No, not at all, Gludy does not IMHO try to provoke by shock, he has an, lets say, interesting style, but he does genuinely appear interested in what people suggest, even if he never ever, not once, not even a little bit agrees with them. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


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10 Sep 2004
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Re: Please don\'t feed the troll

The only old money I remember is the sixpence, which we took as kids to the post office to change in the seventies. I am not an old duffer.

There is lots of info about me and the boat on my website which is fully available, so I did not fill in the bio. I realise many on here feel that is like original sin, when I offer any advice or ask questions I try to explain why in what I say, rather than what I have done.

History is one thing, but expecting any advice to be sound because someone owns x and live in y does not always promote a good argument. More often if someone is asking advice, I would suggest my route of say fault finding and why I feel that to be appropriate rather than hide behind credentials.

If you wish to know anything just ask and I might not ignore it /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


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30 May 2001
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Re: Please don\'t feed the troll

Well Woofy, I know where you got THAT picture from: Its the mechanic from my local garage adjusting the injection timing on my diesel van, pre MOT.

A dangerous character normally kept behind bars (of the public type)!