Places to eat in Cherbourg


New member
You will be spoilt for choice! So many good places to eat, all reasonably priced and all within a short walk of the marina. Don't overlook the bar in the marina at the yacht club, nice atmosphere and good food. There a number of nice places up towards the old harbour and fish docks, or you can head into the main town and there are places to eat every few yards. Enjoy!


New member
10 Feb 2004
ex SV Marabu now based in Cowes refitting GMIV
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I would agree with quiteflight that the yacht club is great with a nice atmosphere and good value varied menu (including sea food) it is also not too far to stagger back to the boat afterwards. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Cant say that I would reccomend the quality hotel about two miles out of town (although bignick and Twister Ken werent to know or blame).
The rule of thumb I thend to use which would suit a smaller group, that if the main langurage being spoken in a restaurant is French than the food will be very good.

Hope this helps.
cheers Pip