Piles moorings ~ suggestions please:


New member
13 Jul 2004
New Forest, Great Britain
May I seek the advice of operational experts?!

I am moving Enigma onto a piles mooring in the Beaulieu River. The wooden Piles are 75ft. apart and each has a steel bar with rings; I have shackles and metal eyes for splicing mooring lines to - two aft & two for'ard. Enigma is 30ft. overall and the piles will be shared with another yacht of 53ft.

How do Forumites suggest I organise the mooring lines and what sort of line should I use?

Four 45ft. lines of floating rope tied to a single bouy sounds expensive.
Four 30 ft. lines with eyes both ends & thinner "picking up" lines joining them all together on the bouy sounds complicated.

In addition, do Forumites recommend using a skirt between the topsides and fenders between the yachts and if so, what sort of material, colour &c. should be used? Enigma has newly treated and polished white topsides and the other yacht almost brand new dark blue topsides - should that be of any relevance.

All contibutions gratefully received . . .

Cheers! /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif