...Enjoying a late Autumn day tinkering with the roller reefing gear when, looking up, I notice a sturdy clinker built gaffer with no hands aboard, bearing down on my beloved tupperware on its mooring, .
Said vessels mooring strop had "failed" and the 3 Knt ebb was carrying it on a collision course toward me.
Hastily start engine and slipped mooring to witness runaway collide with the next boat on trots then piroute gracefully away, coming to rest on a nearby sandbank.
With only a faint tremor in my voice I informed HM of events via VHF, only to find my stern moored tender has now become entwined with yet another staunch timber vessel, onto which I was inexorably drawn by the unforgiving tide. I informed HM of collision and asked him to relay details to owner of 3rd vessel involved.
Four months later I receive a letter from insurance Co requesting detail of incident.
My boat lost a guardwire which I have since repaired without claim. The boat I struck suffered what appeared to be minor paint damage to Stbd bow. My insurance Co ( who insures both myself and the 3rd vessel) wants to know whether I consider myself liable for damage.
I think not but I'm biased and post here seeking a more balanced view.
Said vessels mooring strop had "failed" and the 3 Knt ebb was carrying it on a collision course toward me.
Hastily start engine and slipped mooring to witness runaway collide with the next boat on trots then piroute gracefully away, coming to rest on a nearby sandbank.
With only a faint tremor in my voice I informed HM of events via VHF, only to find my stern moored tender has now become entwined with yet another staunch timber vessel, onto which I was inexorably drawn by the unforgiving tide. I informed HM of collision and asked him to relay details to owner of 3rd vessel involved.
Four months later I receive a letter from insurance Co requesting detail of incident.
My boat lost a guardwire which I have since repaired without claim. The boat I struck suffered what appeared to be minor paint damage to Stbd bow. My insurance Co ( who insures both myself and the 3rd vessel) wants to know whether I consider myself liable for damage.
I think not but I'm biased and post here seeking a more balanced view.