Pauline feeling alot better. (Mr B suffering).
The medical team are expected to make a full recovery given time and the correct care.
So far Mr Blair has declined to visit on the grounds of personal safety issues and the queen has applied for a visitors pass.
Dispite massive capital damage to the A&E department, the hospital is expected to re-open to lesser mortals in the near future.
Mr Brown has had to re-think his forth coming budget taking into accout the loss of booze revenue but share prices are expected to recover this afternoon
This is your on the spot reporter handing you back to the studio.
The medical team are expected to make a full recovery given time and the correct care.
So far Mr Blair has declined to visit on the grounds of personal safety issues and the queen has applied for a visitors pass.
Dispite massive capital damage to the A&E department, the hospital is expected to re-open to lesser mortals in the near future.
Mr Brown has had to re-think his forth coming budget taking into accout the loss of booze revenue but share prices are expected to recover this afternoon
This is your on the spot reporter handing you back to the studio.