Parts for BMC 1.8 Diesel


16 May 2001
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I am looking for a supplier for spares for a marinised BMC 1.8.diesel I know that there is a firm in Preston that specialises but can't find it. Any information would be very welcome about either this company or any other.
Many thanks


Look back to 27 March my "Thorneycroft" posting - I got a few very helpful answers.
Malc Davis


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11 Dec 2001
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Oh alright then - The Preston Joke

Well that's three of you so here goes. But don't blame me.Bet this lasts about an hour.

Two deaf guys go into their local for a beer and as they walk in they notice the place is packed. One guy goes off to get the beers while the other finds them some seats.

DG1 at the bar orders two pints of lager and the barman serves him and tells him "that'll be £8 please sir".
"£8 for two pints of lager, that's expensive" says the DG.
" Well sir", says the barman, "we've got live music on later tonight and the brewery's put the prices up".
"What sort of music", asks DG1, "Is it Jazz"
"No", says the barman
"Is it Rock and Roll", asks Deaf guy
"No, not Rock and Roll"
"Well what sort of music is it then" asks the deaf guy
"Well sir, it's Country and Western" the barman tells him.

So the deaf guy pays for the beers and takes them back to his mate, DG2, who asks him why it took so long.

"Well" says DG1, "they charged me £8 for 2 pints of lager"
" £8 for 2 pints of lager", says DG2, "that's expensive".
"Yes", replies DG1, "they've got some live music on later so have put the beer prices up"
"What sort of music", asks DG2, "Is it Jazz"
"No" replies DG1
"Is it rock'n roll" asks DG2
"No", replies DG1,
"Well what sort of music is it then
"Dunno", says DG1, "he just said it's some c**t from Preston"


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18 Nov 2001
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More from Preston....

Sewing bags

He's sewing bags, he's sewing bags
He's sewing bags
Oyston's sewing bags
(Reference to what the disgraced former Blackpool chairman Owen Oyston now does with his time after being jailed)


Who's that jumping off the pier?

Who's that jumping off the pier?
Who's that jumping in the sea?
Oh it's Nigel and the boys
Making all the f***ing noise
'Cos they can't beat the famous PNE


A Preston fan has died on derby day and goes to heaven in that crap coloured shirt! On arriving at the pearly gates, he meets St.Peter who is wearing a tangerine & white scarf (of course).
"I'm sorry mate" said the Saint, "but we don't let Preston fans into heaven."
"WHAT" cries the bloke
"You heard me--no Preston fans allowed" repeated St Peter
"But I've lead a very good life" bleated the now pathetic PNE fan
"So tell me what you have done that was so good!!" said St Peter
"Well....2 month's ago I went to Bloomfield Road and donated £10 to their ground restoration fund."
"Anything else?" said St.Peter
"oh yes " said the gimp..."I also gave £10 to save the starving children in Africa"
"Okay" said the saint, "You wait here and I'll go and have a word with the BOSS"
15 minutes later St.Peter arrives back to the gates, looks the PNE fan straight in the eye and say's
"I've had a word with GOD, and he agrees with me---here's your £20 back-now F*** OFF!!!!!!

Q: What do you call a good looking woman in Preston? A: A tourist


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30 May 2001
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Re: Oh alright then - The Preston Joke

Blind man's bluff.
A blind man enters a Ladies Bar in Preston by mistake. He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a drink. After sitting there for awhile, he yells to the bartender, "Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?"

The bar immediately falls absolutely quiet. In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says, "Before you tell that joke, sir, you should know five things ....

1 - The bartender is a blonde girl.
2 - The bouncer is a blonde gal.
3 - I'm a 6 feet tall, 200 pound blonde woman with a black belt in karate.
4 - The woman sitting next to me is blonde and is a professional weight lifter.
5 - The lady to your right is a blonde and is a professional wrestler.
Now think about it seriously, Mister. Do you still wanna tell that joke? The blind man thinks for a second, shakes his head, and declares, "Nah... Not if I'm gonna have to explain it five times."


Well-known member
30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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Interesting wanderings.....
Many BMC parts are still available through Leyland Daf outlets trading as LDV, as the 1.8 was fitted to the pre -85 Leyland Sherpa.

The main S Coast agents are Adams Morey with depots in Southampton and Portsmouth, and probably many other parts of the country. They can often supply parts off the shelf, or within 24 hours.

BMC and Rover became Leyland, who in turn were bought out by DAF, who restyled themselves LDV.....