Part 1 Registry


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4 Apr 2005
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I need to register whitelighter, having been commisiioned in february I need to sort it now. I was going to just do SSR, but a the boatyard that sold me the boat suggested Part 1 registry was a better bet. I spoke to the people at te MCA(?) and they said the cost was £130.00 - which is fine. All set to do it they then said I need a survey? Baring in mind my boat is a mainstreem production model which is widely sold in the UK and europe, and is only 2 months old, is a survey really neccessary? They also said they dont do the surveys, so I would need to instruct someone to do it. The last time I had a survey done was when I sold my Chris Craft and it cost £500.00 - not something I want to do on a boat that really doesnt need it.

Is there any way round this? Can I just get a statement signed off by a marine engineer, or does a 2 month old boat really need a survey?.........


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11 Jun 2002
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Depends why you need to register it? SSR number will do fine for trips abroad.

If you have a marine mortgage on boat, they might insist on a Part I



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4 Apr 2005
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I have a 50% marine mortgage, but Bank of Scotland said they werent bothered. I was going to go SSR, but you see so many adverts for used boats banging on about Part 1, and Essex mentioned it, I thought id look into it.

I understand that I can protect the name that way as well. Just cant believe how much red tape there is!!!


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16 May 2001
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The survey costs less than £500, I think we paid about £200 last year. It took the surveyor and his helper (teenage daughter) about 40mins. It's not a suvey of the boat's condition, only its dimensions and engine hp. They dont care about osmosis and stuff

You do have to have survey for part 1, even if your boat is a production model. The real reason is that the survey tells Cardiff that the boat actually exists. Their view is that this is an important bit of the process, becuase p1 reg is sort of important proof of title etc so they figure they need to verify that the boat you are trying to register does in fact physically exist. Something along these lines anyway......

Is your boat in the water? They might want it lifted out for the survey, I'm not sure. Ask surveyor. This will mean carenage costs, obviously, eek


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16 May 2001
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I think it has to be a qualified surveyor but I'm not sure of the details. Our boat was in chichester at the time and we used David Greening 023 9263 1806. I would recommend him. He was efficent and prompt, nice chap, and fair prices. Very highly qualified as surveyors go, BEng(Hons) CEng MRINA so a proper naval architect


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10 Sep 2002
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If the mortgage people aren't worried I would save your money. SSR (Part 3 reg) and your original bill of sale should satisfy any potential buyer in future and after that why worry.

Not sure what you mean by protectibg the name?. Its only part 1 reg that demands a unique name and port of registration. If its not Part One registered you can call it whatever you like (one or two exclusions for SSR as well for example I couldn't register my boat with a name beginning MY)


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18 Jun 2003
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I agree with what jfm says.

I had my survey completed in the water.

To answer satman, MCA were going to have all reg boats on a web site - not sure if this done. But they are happy to tell you if your name is availble (ie no other vessel has it) over the phone. From memory when you apply for the Reg. you must provide 3 names on the form in case your initial choice gets snapped up whilst you are doing the paperwork!


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29 Sep 2004
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I think you now have all the answers, but remember to tell the surveyor that you want the boat surveyed for Part1, not a full survey. This used to be called a tonnage measurement, volume not displacement, hence as mentioned, it can be done in the water, and should also be considerably cheaper. The MCA will be able to advise the number to call to check name availability. With respect to names, each vessel on Part 1 must have a unique name, but it does not stop others (not on the register) naming their vessel the same as yours. If I recall correctly, SSR can have multiple entries with the same name. As mentioned elsewhere, it is not essential but may add credibility to a prospective purchaser in the future.