Now, seeing as how this is the internet, I press all sorts of words on the screen to see what happens. Once you've been on the interent a bit, or if you've ever played with the interactive CD "Arthurs Teacher Trouble", you'd do the same. Bit like like boats really with lots of buttons to press... You know.
Anyway...goofing around hereabouts recently I happened across a tiny weeny little bit of script , just near the bottom of the lists of threads. It says "IPCMedia and WCSoft". ooh. WCsoft? Is this a toilet software link? No: press that bit of text and then select "products" and then click the "visit WwThreads website" (I think) and ooh! up comes a forum thingy, rather a lot like this. They sell forum software! And then there's a features/support link to all the things that you can make the forum do, like deleting and adding users, and stuff. And even more interestingly, a link to other piles of forums including..
http://relationships.bb.prodigy.net/ which uses the same forum software..with a whole load of forums about Divorce, Sleeping Around, Sleeping Around Rather A Lot and so on.
Seperately, there's
which is a bit boring, actually, with a Bedwetting Forum, the Toddlers Being Sick Forum and other stuff, can't remember.
Isn't this all interesting? Well, a bit interesting then?
And also, harumph, I thought that KH had slaved away and writ this forum software in three weeks, when actually it's $299 all in for a DIY forum kit. Or was it the special $5,000 version? Anyway, it throws away the posts after a while, perhaps. And you can have a look at the features and see what it can do.
Anyway, I'm just off back to snoop the Can't Help Taking My Clothes Off In Public forum...
Anyway...goofing around hereabouts recently I happened across a tiny weeny little bit of script , just near the bottom of the lists of threads. It says "IPCMedia and WCSoft". ooh. WCsoft? Is this a toilet software link? No: press that bit of text and then select "products" and then click the "visit WwThreads website" (I think) and ooh! up comes a forum thingy, rather a lot like this. They sell forum software! And then there's a features/support link to all the things that you can make the forum do, like deleting and adding users, and stuff. And even more interestingly, a link to other piles of forums including..
http://relationships.bb.prodigy.net/ which uses the same forum software..with a whole load of forums about Divorce, Sleeping Around, Sleeping Around Rather A Lot and so on.
Seperately, there's
which is a bit boring, actually, with a Bedwetting Forum, the Toddlers Being Sick Forum and other stuff, can't remember.
Isn't this all interesting? Well, a bit interesting then?
And also, harumph, I thought that KH had slaved away and writ this forum software in three weeks, when actually it's $299 all in for a DIY forum kit. Or was it the special $5,000 version? Anyway, it throws away the posts after a while, perhaps. And you can have a look at the features and see what it can do.
Anyway, I'm just off back to snoop the Can't Help Taking My Clothes Off In Public forum...