Overnight mooring in Weston Super Mare


New member
19 Dec 2004
Being quite new to sailing, i have only ventured the 12 or so miles from my pontoon in Cardiff to the Weston Bay Yacht Club.

This summer I plan to make this trip quite often to help build my confidence before taking a longer passage.

I was wondering about the swinging moorings just off the main beach, does anybody know if they can be used by visitors, what time of tide can they be accessed etc?

My boat has a lifting keel and standing legs so drying out on the beach seems quite appealing.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Hi there my boat is similar to yours and also moored in Cardiff.We also go over to Weston sm quite often.

I havent seen the swinging moorings in the Bay .Personally I would not like to dry out there as it is very open to sea and swell.Even the wash of a passing boat would have you hitting the sand hard as she dries and then more worry when she refloats.

We usually go into the River Axe. Entry is easy about 2 hrs before HW find the first channel buoy about halfway along Brean Down leave all the buoys close to port then follow the line of moored boats. The Yacht club has a pontoon about half a mile upstream or go up to Uphill boat yard pontoons.

Both pontoons are accessible most tides except the smallest neap tides. The YC pontoon is best and easiest to get on .I have allways been made welcome there for a one night stop.

At the NE end of the bay you can use Knightstone Harbour on tides about halfway between Neaps and Springs you will get in at HW. Yachts normally lean against the "Dolphin (two large posts with a ladder to get ashore.)You could also pick up a mooring or anchor in the harbour and dry out on legs if you preferred.more difficult to get ashore then though.

Best of luck Iam in cbyc which club are you?


New member
19 Dec 2004
I have a pontoon in Penarth marina. I think I will try and join CBYC once all of the pontoons are ready.

Just looked on an IMRAY chart and can't see Knightstone Harbour - it would be nice to try somewhere else as I have used the Weston Bay YC pontoon many times now - and the lady of the ship would like to be closer to the main beach.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Dont know how well this scanned page will show up.Its right up in the NE corner of Weston Bay .just North of the main Weston Pier.

It is ok except in fresh Southerlies.


Well-known member
9 Mar 2003
s e wales
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Had a very uinpleasant experience early in my sailing days when I picked up a buoy off the beach. On arrival the wind was F2 southerly. Before the tide returned it was f6 North West. And with a very shallow beach it was some time after the first wave rolled in that I was able to get going. In the meantime, my cockpit was several times almost filled with water.

Dont beach the boat on an exposed area like this.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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You need a tide at least about halfway up the range between Neaps and Springs to get in at all.The bigger the tide the earlier you get in. Approach about an hour before HW and watch the echo sounder .Check that the tides for leaving are at least the same height as arriving or if not have plenty of water under your keel to allow for it or you could be stuck for several days!

If its approaching HW and you havent enough water to get in to the harbour head for the river before too much ebb tide sets in.