New member
Had a rather nervewracking experience on saturday while out sailing. Some dolphins appeared and apart from the usual escort duties started occasionally clipping the rudder. I presume intentionally.
The wheel felt as if it was being kicked out of my hand.
I didn't see the dolphins at first and I thought I had caught a pot line, until the culprits surfaced at my quarter as if to tease me. This went on for about 20 minutes until a passing ferry presented a more challenging playmate.
I must admit that while I normally find dolphins at close quarters quite exciting and indeed a privilaged experience, this was quite different. I was terrified that they would damage the rudder. Our's is quite deep and extends to almost six feet below the waterline, which makes it seem a bit vulnerable. It is not skeg hung, so all the stresses are carried on the mounting structure inside the hull.
The steering seemed fine afterwards and I could see no evidence of structural damage.
Has anyone else had a similar experience? Also what are the chances of suffering damage from such an encounter?
The wheel felt as if it was being kicked out of my hand.
I didn't see the dolphins at first and I thought I had caught a pot line, until the culprits surfaced at my quarter as if to tease me. This went on for about 20 minutes until a passing ferry presented a more challenging playmate.
I must admit that while I normally find dolphins at close quarters quite exciting and indeed a privilaged experience, this was quite different. I was terrified that they would damage the rudder. Our's is quite deep and extends to almost six feet below the waterline, which makes it seem a bit vulnerable. It is not skeg hung, so all the stresses are carried on the mounting structure inside the hull.
The steering seemed fine afterwards and I could see no evidence of structural damage.
Has anyone else had a similar experience? Also what are the chances of suffering damage from such an encounter?