Oppose Wolfowitz


9 Mar 2004
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Just recieved from the International Rivers Network:

Urgent - Sign on immediately - Sorry for cross-posting

Dear friends,

Please find below an NGO statement on the nomination of Paul Wolfowitz as the new World Bank President that is being circulated by Eurodad, the European Network on Debt and Development. It calls on European governments to oppose this nomination, and rejects the current undemocratic election process.

We urge you to immediately endorse the Eurodad statement by responding to assistant@eurodad.org by Friday, 16:00 European time. Please send name, name of organization, and country. (Please do not use the reply button.)

We believe the election of a new World Bank President is not a matter that should be left to the US and European governments, and urge groups from other regions to send similar appeals to their own governments. However, given the undemocratic distribution of voting rights, the European governments will have to play a key role in this decision, and we urge NGOs from all regions to endorse the Eurodad statement.

Thank you for your support.

Peter Bosshard
International Rivers Network


You will have heard that on Wednesday George W. Bush nominated Paul Wolfowitz for the World Bank presidency position. Wolfowitz, a key architect and implementer of the current US foreign policy, is a very controversial choice borne of a deeply flawed process.

The World Bank is an important and powerful institution and we believe it is the duty of civil society groups and parliamentarians to express themselves on this matter. To that end we have produced the below sign-on statement. This will be a public statement addressed to heads of state who have an opportunity to instruct their representatives to the Bank to vote against Wolfowitz.

The statement is deliberately short, and calmly worded, to enable as many organisations and individuals as possible to sign. Text amendments will not be possible given the rapid deadline. European governments may be forced to take a position very soon (there is no official timetable).

While the statement is targeted at European governments, who have the most responsibility and opportunity in this matter, people from all regions are welcome to sign. We would encourage them to do similar statements also to their own heads of state.

Frequent updates on the situation, and an opportunity to log your comments, can be found at: www.worldbankpresident.org.

Spanish and French versions of this statement will be available shortly.

Send endorsements of this statement to assistant@eurodad.org by Friday 17th, 16.00.

Alex Wilks
European Network on Debt and Development

Public statement to European heads of state on the World Bank president nomination

We the undersigned wish to register our strong concern about the nomination of Paul Wolfowitz for the World Bank president position.
a. We consider Mr Wolfowitzs experience as US ambassador to Indonesia during the Suharto government insufficient qualification on development issues and economics.

b. We fear his appointment risks the Bank becoming seen as a tool of the current controversial US foreign policy, with aid flows becoming more dependent on strict adherence to US Administration priorities.

c. We reject the untransparent and undemocratic process by which one government nominates a single candidate for Bank president.

d. We call on European governments to challenge the current World Bank process and also to commit to a fully open process next time the IMF Managing Director is appointed.

e. We urge European governments to follow the precedent set by the USA in 2000 when it rejected a European candidate for the IMF position. European governments, if they act collectively, represent the largest shareholder block in the Bank. You can take action to reject the current nominee and press for other candidates.

f. We call on all European governments to clearly and publicly state their position on this matter as a matter of urgency.
A challenge to the nomination would be in line with international democratic norms and many European government policy statements. Who runs the World Bank is a vital question which affects the future of international efforts towards poverty eradication.



European Network on Debt and Development
+32 2 543 90 67

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30 Nov 2002
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He is eminently well qualified for the job.

Robert Macnamara turned the Vietnam War from a mess into a quagmire and went on to run the World Bank.

Wolfowicz has done much the same in Iraq.

Sounds ideal...


Active member
4 Feb 2002
Still going south currently in Corsica for winter
Re:Wolfowitz may shake em up?

Like what?? he promoted the war in iraq? he is a Neo-conservative?
So what?

The world bank like the IMF are a cosy club for do-gooders with no clear cut overall strategic policy. In some countries they have done more harm than good.

Wolfowitz may not SEEM to be a good candiate on the surface & in the eyes of the bean counters who run most of the foreign aid, but I bet he would bring some clear vision & make a huge difference to the methods that the WB go about handing over our dosh.
This cosy little club requires a big shakeup/ & maybe Wolfwitz is the guy to do it?

