if you (or crew) plan to fly in and sail out - print your own tickets!
You could probably get something from the internet to plagiarise, or invent your own printed tickets with "S/Y Thingy does not issue tickets - retain this for your records" but nonethelesss have a sailing reference number, date of issue, authoristaion of issue confirmed, deck and berth reference , a muster reference (made this up) and lots more stuff as well.
After all, the authorities are already accepting other silly bits of paper similarly made up by travle companies and airlines as "official proof" that you or a crew plan to leaves on such and such date, so no reason why smaller boats can't print up similar bits of paper as well. They would be just as "real" as a BA ticket, surely? If not -why not?
You could probably get something from the internet to plagiarise, or invent your own printed tickets with "S/Y Thingy does not issue tickets - retain this for your records" but nonethelesss have a sailing reference number, date of issue, authoristaion of issue confirmed, deck and berth reference , a muster reference (made this up) and lots more stuff as well.
After all, the authorities are already accepting other silly bits of paper similarly made up by travle companies and airlines as "official proof" that you or a crew plan to leaves on such and such date, so no reason why smaller boats can't print up similar bits of paper as well. They would be just as "real" as a BA ticket, surely? If not -why not?