is paid for by the boat manufacturers themselves, its really more of a promotion site executed in a review style, so not always the most objective tests
All reviews are biased but from boattest re the Bayliner..
Boarding this model was a little cumbersome from the fixed dock at low tide. The radar arch is swept back and impedes a bit when trying to step down into the cockpit from the dock......Although there is a narrow walkway along the sides, it is narrower than my wide feet are.
[/ QUOTE ]
Probably no more biased than the UK mags?
I guess the more reviews you read the more info you have to base your decision on.
definitly I agree with you the more info you have the better it is, wasnt suggesting the site was worthless , I like the site
I was just pointing out that it is paid for by the manufacturers who ultimately have editorial control , so in that respect it is different to a UK boat mag test (we hope!!)
I appreciate most reviews are biased but as long as they are the reviewers bias' then if you read enough reviews you can find the truth in parts of each of them, with a test carried out under a manufacturers eye this is virtually impossible to ascertain.
Thanks for that - I have already got my boat. I did look at boattest but I agree that it is an awful lot of back slapping the manufacturers. I was interested to see comparisons for other boats more out of curiosity - especially the older UK stuff (princess 360 etc).
You know what its like, always got half an eye on the next boat........