OMG - Worried


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2 Feb 2007
The Charente
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Friends are about to round Cape Palmas, heading for Benin.

Their epic journey started in St Maarten, across the Pond to the Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands. Last stop being Dakar, there are 3 on board. We now are reading about Piracy along this coast!

We have not heard of private yachts being involved and it appears to be mainly cargo & cash that the pirates are after. Apparently ships in Cotonou port have been boarded as well as up to 60 miles offshore. There have been over 20 attacks this year as opposed to zero last year!

We are not sure if our friends knew of this problem but have sent them an email via Sail Mail. They should be arriving in Cotonou within the next 15 days and we will be anxiously waiting for their tri-weekly reports.


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10 Jul 2008
Hamble, UK
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Hi there,

I use to work and live in Cotonou, Benin and Nigeria. I regularly work in this region as a surveyor/consultant for London marine insurance companies. The area remains unstable and I would say totally unsuitable for pleasure cruising and individuals with no experience of West Africa. Your friends in my opinion are asking for trouble. I hope they have informed their insurance provider (and assume they are paying as huge premium or have been refused cover).

PM me if I can be of a assistance.



20 Jun 2007
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I was on a tramper waiting to discharge in Cotonou many years ago. Boarded by pirates at night three miles off coast. The understanding was -for all ships then- if we left them alone and stayed in the accommodation - they would take from the cargo what they wanted and go. - This was so in my case.

After that we steamed further from shore every night and had no further trouble. Nowadays, with better communication etc. things may be different.


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23 Jul 2005
South London
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I was on a tramper waiting to discharge in Cotonou many years ago. Boarded by pirates at night three miles off coast. The understanding was -for all ships then- if we left them alone and stayed in the accommodation - they would take from the cargo what they wanted and go. - This was so in my case.

After that we steamed further from shore every night and had no further trouble. Nowadays, with better communication etc. things may be different.

Even more blatant in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Immaculately uniformed, Sandhurst educated, army officers came on board and went round each officer's cabin with a 'shopping list' of duty-free goods they required; alcohol and cigarettes mainly (free of charge, of course).

We had been warned by the shipowners (anxious not to have their ship detained indefinitely) to give them whatever they wanted and to claim it back on expenses.


New member
2 Feb 2007
The Charente
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Hi there,

I use to work and live in Cotonou, Benin and Nigeria. I regularly work in this region as a surveyor/consultant for London marine insurance companies. The area remains unstable and I would say totally unsuitable for pleasure cruising and individuals with no experience of West Africa. Your friends in my opinion are asking for trouble. I hope they have informed their insurance provider (and assume they are paying as huge premium or have been refused cover).

PM me if I can be of a assistance.


Many thanks for your reply. The owner works in Benin & the others used to live & work in various West African countries so they are not novices on that front. Anyway update.

They were very short of fuel and had to put into Monrovia, apparently not a happy story but we'll have to wait for the details. Diesel @ €2+ per litre!! They have informed the French colonel in charge of the piracy problems of their arrival and everything seems to be organised. All being well they should arrive sometime on Tuesday.


New member
2 Feb 2007
The Charente
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'Divelander' complete with her 3 crew arrived this afternoon safe & sound. Have already spoken to them and they are relieved to be on land again!